Step 10: Have a Death Eater Dad

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"I'll miss you my little trouble-makers," Ember said as she scooped the two children in her arms. They had just arrived at Platform Nine and Three Quarters, ready for Ember to return back to Hogwarts after her two week holiday.

"Can you come back for Easter break?" begged Sabrina. "We'll be good I promise. I'll protect Rome at school!"

"Protect me? I should be protecting you!" exclaimed Romeo outraged.

"I'm three years older than you dumb-y! I look after you!" said Sabrina in a tone that said 'duh, that's obvious'.

Amanda frowned at her children, "Leave him alone, Sabrina,"

Ember turned to her guardian and awkwardly said, "Thank you for having me for the holidays,"

"Ember Rowle, how many times have I told you you don't need to apologise?! I may not be your real mother but I've been your replacement one for eight years,"

"Don't remind me," mumbled Ember so that no one else heard her.

"Are you going to come for the Easter holidays, then?" Romeo asked eagerly.

Ember sighed, "No Rome, I want to stay at Hogwarts."

"If you don't write to me, I'll kill you," said Sabrina. "I will do it,"

"You won't," teased Ember. "Fine, I'll write to you, now I have to go Cullen and Draco are waiting for me,"

"Bye!" the two children called after her as she ran to catch up with her friends.

"Have you seen it?" muttered Cullen to Draco.

It was a week since they had come back from the holidays and Draco and Cullen were sitting in the Slytherin Common Room waiting for Ember to finish getting ready so they could all go to breakfast together.

"Yeah," sighed Draco, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head. "Has she seen it?"

"No, I don't think so," replied Cullen.

"She can't see it. We can't let her. I dunno what she'll do if she knows," said Draco darkly. "I think it'll be too much for her,"

Draco and Cullen sat in silence while they waited for Ember to finish in her dorm. They both knew what was happening was going to make Ember brittle and uneasy. She was unpredictable though so neither of them knew how she was going to react when she did eventually find out.

"I'm ready!" exclaimed Ember cheerfully as she ran down the stairs to join the boys. She frowned at their gloomy expressions, "You two alright? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Cullen said a little too fast.

Suddenly Georgia ran in and whispered to Draco, "Has she seen it?"

"No," he replied in an equally quiet voice.

"What's going on?" asked Ember suspiciously.

Draco, Cullen and Georgia all shared a look. They silently agreed not to tell her anything. At all.

"C'mon I'm hungry, are you hungry?" Georgia said quickly.

As they walked through the halls Ember couldn't help but notice she was being given more dirty looks than usual and that's when she became even more suspicious of what was going on. The four of them walked into the Great Hall and took their usual seats at the Slytherin table where Blaise and Billie were already sitting. Draco and Cullen glared at them as if to tell them some secret thing that Ember didn't understand.

"Oi Rowle!" said an aggravated voice from Hufflepuff.

"Yes?" she answered bored, not look at the boy.

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