Step 21: Dine With Death Eaters

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Ember gazed at her appearance in the mirror and almost didn't recognise herself. Her long black hair was tucked neatly in an elegant bun at the back of her head, her face was covered in too much makeup that she wanted to scratch all of it off — black eyeliner, deep red lipstick and even fake eyelashes. A black dress that Narcissa had landed her clung tightly to every inch of Ember's body, the dress had a deep v-neck that Ember was slightly uncomfortable with, an embroidered bodice and little spaghetti straps. Even on the night of the Yule Ball, she hadn't been this dressed up, and this was just for dinner!

Narcissa Malfoy was so graceful as she waltzed out of the room in a hurry to get to the dining hall while Ember followed clumsily in her heels. Draco was standing just outside of the door, waiting for Ember and his mother to finish. He was wearing a nice black suit, one that made his platinum blond hair pop so much. He looked almost as dashing as he had the day of the Yule Ball.

Draco's jaw seemed to drop at the sight of his best friend. He'd never get used to this side of Ember, he was so used to seeing the girl who only ever wore sweaters, jeans and her hair tied up in a ponytail. His eyes raked her body in such a way that Ember got a little nervous... Did she look bad?

"Dray, you alright?" she asked, slightly concerned.

"Er — Sorry," he said, tearing his eyes away from her and extending his hand out which Ember took happily.

"Are you nervous?" she whispered as the two of them made their way to the dining hall for dinner.

Draco nodded slowly and Ember was thankful that he didn't look at her or he would've seen the brooding fear that glazed her eyes. There was no way she was just nervous, she was utterly terrified for the events that were about to take place. When they reached the dining hall it was already set with plates, cutlery and glowing candles, although they brightened the room they did not seem to lift the mood at all.

A long, black table stood in the middle of the room, several chairs placed around it. Many seats in the hall were empty due to all of the Death Eaters that had been captured during Harry Potter's adventure to the Ministry; Draco's father included. Most of the Death Eaters present were men causing Ember to frown slightly. She could understand the hating muggles part, but being sexist? She wouldn't allow it. She couldn't place names on the faces around the room, some she recognised from when she was younger and they had visited her father at the Rowle Manor.

Ember made sure that she kept her eyes cast down slightly so she didn't make any eye contact with anyone.

"Ember Rowle," the snide, crazy voice that belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange said around the room.

Ember could hear the hall go quiet at the woman's words and Ember lifted her head to stare at her. She was wearing a black long-sleeved gown, her wild black curls sitting messily on her shoulders. She was wearing a sadistic grin that caused Ember to almost shudder. She cast a small smile in the direction of the woman and squeezed Draco's arm gently before letting it go.

"You must be Bellatrix Lestrange," Ember said in the most confident voice she could muster surrounded by people who could kill her on the spot. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you,"

Bellatrix immediately broke into a grin and laughed manically, "I like you, Ember Rowle. I've wanted to meet you for a while now,"

Ember couldn't help but flush slightly as she stepped back again and gripped Draco's arm to balance her. She couldn't imagine being in this situation without someone else there with her, which left her thinking that if she had never had to relocate with Romeo and Sabrina, Draco would be sitting here all alone.

Ember cast her eyes over the table once again and they locked onto Severus Snape who was sitting in a chair, just near the head of the table. He was conversing to one of the unknown Death Eaters who was sitting next to him but he seemed to realise that Ember was looking because his head snapped in her direction and widened considerably, not realising that she would be attending this particular meeting. The two of them seemed to convey a whole conversation just by looking at each other and Snape then set his eyes on the glass in front of him.

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