Step 3: Be Good at Potions

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"Get up! Get up!" Ember screamed at her dormmates.

"Em!" groaned Georgia, rolling around in her bad.

"It's the first day of classes! Get up!" Ember yelled once again. "If I have to wake your asses up every day I will murder all of you! Last year I had to bloody carry you down the stairs to the common room! GET UP!" she grabbed her pillow off her bed and smacked the other three girls in the head.

Billie, Georgia and Pansy, all of Ember's dormmates reluctantly pulled themselves out of bed, each one rubbing their eyes and stretching out.

"Merlin Em," Billie huffed. "I would've liked some extra sleep, not my fault I'm not a morning person,"

"Well I am," Ember retorted. "Now go get your robes on, I'll meet you four in the common room... And don't you dare go back to sleep or I'll hex you!"

Ember strutted out of the room and down the stairs to the dim light of the common room. She spotted Draco and Cullen sitting on the couches by the fireplace. Many people were chattering to each other and murmuring between themseleves, this was a normal sight for the Slytherin common room.

"Piss off Greengrass," Ember snapped, and the third-year, Astoria Greengrass, who had been clinging onto Draco's arm ran off.

"No need to scare her," Draco said with his famous smirk, looking up at Ember scowling.

"Gross," Cullen muttered. "She's a bloody third-year, you should be getting with Daphne Greengrass, who's in our year, not the younger one!"

Draco shrugged, "I'll do whatever I like, mate... Did you manage to wake up the others, I want to go and get my timetable from Snape,"

Ember sighed, "Took a while, lazy shits... Is Blaise up?"

Cullen nodded, "He's in the dorm, showering I s'pose,"

Finally, the four girls up in the dormitory and Blaise had all come down, so the seven of them walked into the Great Hall and took their timetables from their Head of House, Professor Snape.

"Ugh, we have charms first," Georgia said with a groan, slumping into her seat at the Slytherin table.

"Double potions after," Cullen added. "I'm sure Snape would love to see me again,"

Ember and Draco scoffed while the other three snorted loudly.

"We all know Snape hates you," Blaise said to Cullen.

Cullen shrugged with a mischievous grin, "I don't know what you're on about Blaise,"

Blaise rolled his eyes. Ember looked around her and spotted that many of the Hufflepuff's were looking not as cheerful as last year, due to the fact that one of their own had been killed... and according to Harry Potter, it had been murder by the Dark Lord. Cedric Diggory was one of the people Ember couldn't tolerate, he thought he was so cool and he acted as though most people were beneath him. Though Ember hadn't liked him very much, she still would never ever wish him dead, and what You-Know-Who did was not right.

"I'm going to go to Charms, Dray, Cullen, you coming?" Ember asked, looking pointedly at her friends.

"Yeah alright," Cullen muttered, shoving his toast in his mouth as he and Draco both got up.

Charms would probably be the most boring subject if History of Magic didn't exist. Ember only enjoyed it if they were learning a spell that she hadn't already mastered, in this case, she had mastered the Silencing Charm thanks to her obsession with learning magic after her father had been captured.

"Silencio," she cast on the crow she had been given to use the spell on, immediately it's high-pitched squawking, similar to the sound of Pansy Parkison's voice, had stopped.

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