Step 17: Attempt to Stop Them

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"Ember?" asked Cullen as soon as the exams were done, gliding over to the girl who was still hearing those awful screams piercing her brain. "Are you alright?"

Ember shook her head, "No but I will be."

"What's wrong with her?" Georgia whispered, concerned for her friend.

Draco sighed and grabbed Ember's hand comfortingly, "Come on, Em. Looks like they'll be another trio evening today."

Cullen, Ember and Draco parted ways from their other three friends and headed for Ember's dormitory in the Slytherin Common Room. It was the place where they usually always hung out since the boys' dormitory, according to Ember, smelt like disgusting, sweaty boys. Cullen and Draco shared a dormitory with Blaise and Theodore so naturally is was gross. The girls' dormitory was usually nicely kept because Georgia was a clean freak, Pansy hated when other people touched her stuff, Billie kept all of her Quidditch stuff on 'her side of the room' and Ember would scream at someone if they even touched her bed without her permission.

"Wow," muttered Cullen as he gazed around the room. "Did Bee get more Quidditch stuff over the Christmas break or am I just imagining things?"

Draco snickered, "You're not imagining it at all. God, someone should just tell her she's never going to be on the team."

Ember and Cullen ignored Draco's statement, as they usually did when he was bitching about their friends. Ember stumbled into the bathroom and washed her face over and over. Usually, Ember was strong, took care of herself and seemed even scary to others but really she was fragile. Screams and blood made her feel queasy and sick. It all linked back to her past with her evil father that would do anything to please the Dark Lord.

"Ember," Draco said softly, walking behind the girl who was slowly breaking down in front of the mirror. "You're okay, Em, no one's going to hurt you at Hogwarts."

Ember turned to look at Draco, "The year's almost over, Dray, I'm not going to be safe anywhere. Austin will find me, recruit me for the bloody Death Eaters and then what am I supposed to do? Harm innocent people?"

"No one's recruiting you for anything," Cullen said reassuringly. "We'll make sure of it."

Ember gulped, "Do you think he loved me?"

Draco shook his head, "How can any of us know? Ember, you have to figure that out for yourself."

The door to the dormitory burst opened creating a loud bang. Cullen, Draco and Ember all shared a look before walking out of the bathroom to see Billie looking frantic.

"Umbridge wants the Inquiry Squad, right now! Potter's trying to break into her office!" she exclaimed.

"Inquisitorial, Bee!" corrected Ember impatiently. "I don't really feel like helping her if I'm being perfectly honest. She doesn't deserve our help after that little stunt last night."

Draco groaned, "Come on, Em. We have to do it, what would father think?"

"He may be your father but he has no power over me —"

"He's your godfather —"

"So is Severus!" retorted Ember.

"And Snape would want you to do this!" Draco snapped.

Cullen shoved Ember and Draco out the door after Billie, "You can argue later but I personally don't want to get on the bad side of the pink she-demon so let's go."

So Ember, Cullen and Draco found themselves running after Billiewho was sprinting down the corridors all the way to Umbridge's office. Crabbe and Goyle were panting loudly behind the four of them as they tried to catch up. Georgia had refused to come with them because she hated Umbridge for what she did and so Georgia told Blaise that if he went with the other four than he'd no longer have a girlfriend.

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