Step 30: Be a Wet Rat

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Draco had told Cullen everything and Cullen never failed to tease Ember about it in the past days. She was constantly reminded that her best friend kissed her. She was practically disgusted with what happened but she knew Draco would only get offended and try to prove her wrong (by kissing her again) if she told him this so she kept it to herself — not wanting his lips on hers ever again.

The meetings to the Room of Requirement were constant and Ember had almost forgotten about her own task — befriending Harry Potter. She'd been focusing on Draco's mental health (which wasn't going very well) and monitoring his diet and social life. It was important that neither of them dropped dramatically in everything. The actual 'Killing Dumbledore' mission wasn't going very well — the Vanishing Cabinet wasn't getting much better. The two Slytherins were exhausted. They were constantly lying to their friends about what they were doing together (Cullen assumed they were just snogging and Billie thought they were fitting in some more Quidditch practice for Draco).

Georgia and Blaise had been sneaking off together a lot recently and then Billie found out that they were trying to find all the items for the scavenger hunt in which Draco and Ember weren't doing well because neither of them cared. They had only found one of the items and it was on accident when Ember tripped over it on the way to the seventh floor.

"Ember, Billie's forcing us to do a snowball fight outside — You coming?" Georgia said, knocking on the door of their dormitory.

Ember sighed and closed her notebook, resting her quill on the cover, "Yeah, I'll be there soon! Who else is playing?"

"No idea," Georgia replied. "Probably just the usual six... Maybe Vaisey."

Ember pulled on a warm jacket as well as fluffy socks and winter boots and ran out to join Billie, Cullen, Draco, Blaise, Georgia and Vaisey. All of which were ready and impatiently waiting for her. Draco looked particularly annoyed that he was there, Vaisey and Billie were arguing about who was going to win (because the snowball fight is apparently a competition now) and Cullen just shot Ember a look that so clearly said 'help me'. Pansy and Theo were also there, very disgruntled. Billie must've dragged them to join as well.

"To the Entrance Hall!" Billie called, leading the group out of the castle. "We need to go down to the lake because that's where the most snow is."

"Isn't that dangerous? What is someone accidentally slips into the lake?" asked Blaise, raising his eyebrow.

Georgia laughed, "Not even you're dumb enough to do that, Blaise. Now, do we have teams... or?"

"Every man... and women, sorry... for him... and herself?" suggested Theo, who was shot a particularly nasty look from Georgia. "Calm down, Donovan," he added quickly, returning Georgia's glare.

"It's more fun with teams!" exclaimed Pansy. "Theo and I can —"

"No way, Theo's my teammate," Daphne Greengrass said, walking up to the group of Slytherins.

Ember narrowed her eyes at the blonde, "You weren't invited, Greengrass. Where's Urqhart anyway? I don't think I've ever seen the two of you not sucking each other's face off —"

"Say that one more time, I dare you," hissed Daphne, pointing her wand up at Ember.

A loud smack could be heard and Daphne squealed loudly while Cullen howled with laughter. He had just thrown a snowball right at the back of her head and then pelted another one in the direction of Theo.

"That's for snogging my girlfriend!" Cullen yelled as Theo groaned loudly.

Daphne's face crinkled up, "I'm not your girlfriend, O'Connell! In your bloody dreams!"

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