Step 36: Get a "Boyfriend"

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Ember was shocked to see that Ron Weasley was in fact not dead.

A week later, he was up and walking again — totally fine as if nothing had happened. Apparently he had been saved by Potter's fast use of a bezoar and Ember couldn't be more thankful for that stupid book he had that helped him cheat during Potions. Weasley wasn't dead, he was fine but Harry Potter was not... Not in Ember's eyes at least.

Currently in the Hospital Wing due to a hit to the head during the Hufflepuff Quidditch Game, Potter was lying there looking up at the ceiling when Ember walked in. She wasn't exactly sure what had led her there in the first place but she felt like it was the place to be at that moment in time. Ember cleared her throat as she walked to him.

Sitting up straight and adjusting his round glasses to fit on his nose properly he looked her up and down, "Rowle? What are you doing here?"

"Are you alright?" she asked, ignoring his question.

"Well, no, you saw how McLaggen was in the game — Aimed a Bludger straight at my head." said Potter, wincing slightly.

Ember raised her eyebrow, "I wasn't aware McLaggen was in your team."

She incredibly disliked Cormac McLaggen, he was a pervert and a disgusting human being. All he ever talked about was himself and how amazing he was when in all reality everyone knew that he was the exact opposite of 'amazing'.

"If it were up to me, he wouldn't be. Ron's still not playing because Madam Pomfrey says he needs time to rest..." Potter looked at Ember cautiously. "McLaggen was the only person good enough to play Keeper. I regret my decision though."

"We all regret decisions." said Ember quietly.

Harry sent her a shy smile. That smile that could send Ember's stomach into roars of butterflies — The one that caused her to second-guess every action or word that came out of her mouth. Holy shit. Ember Rowle fancied Harry Potter. It was inevitable, and yet she couldn't admit it to herself. Or anyone. He was her enemy, no matter what she did.

Ember returned his small smile, "I have to go, I'm sorry... Blaise wants to talk about something, I've been putting it off for days —"

"Oh yeah, why is his girlfriend talking to me?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "I mean, she's nice and all... I'm just confused because she used to hate me and everything I did."

Ember scowled, "Georgia Donovan does what she wants when she wants. I don't think that you'll be seeing her around Blaise any time soon — Not on my watch at least."

"What happened?" said Harry.

"I'm sorry, Potter — I really have to go. I'll see you in class tomorrow." Ember sighed, turning away from him but hesitating as she went to leave the Hospital Wing. Waiting for his last words.

"Bye Rowle," he said and when she turned around it was that goddamn shy smile she saw.

It took everything in Ember not to beam at him, "See ya, Potter."

For the next few weeks, Draco was particularly on edge and Ember had no way she could calm him down. His skin was matching the grey colour of his eyes which was in no way healthy and his forehead had started to crinkle because of stress. Ember was trying to nurse him back to proper health over the months, but it was practically impossible with the amount of stress she herself had to deal with.

Georgia Donovan wasn't helping. Every single time that Ember had seen Harry Potter he was accompanied by Georgia and it was starting to frustrate Ember way too much then she'd like.

"I just don't understand why she's doing this!" huffed Ember to Cullen and Blaise. "She knows that you still want to be with her, Blaise, she's just trying to get you jealous."

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