Step 37: Repay Them

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Something has Hogwarts had shifted. The longing glances Harry Potter sent to Ginny Weasley were no longer existent. The snarky remarks between Ember Rowle and Harry Potter had deteriorated. The atmosphere in Hogwarts was tense as people began to circulate rumours about what had happened.

"Rowle!" called Potter across the Great Hall, ignoring the stares he was getting from everyone else. He beamed at the girl who froze in her tracks at the sight of him.

Ember stared at the Gryffindor table, her eyebrow raised as her cheeks tinted red slightly. It wasn't every day someone yelled across the hall just to speak to her. She couldn't find her voice as Cullen nudged her aggressively. She felt her cheeks flushed hot, and her stomach was heavy. Ember's heart pounded in her throat, threatening to break out. Oh dear Merlin, what was wrong with her? She'd never felt this way with anyone before — and it just had to be a damn Gryffindor.

"Are you going to reply, Ember?" Billie asked, furrowing her brows as she waved her hand in front of Ember's face to get her attention.

Ember's head snapped in Billies direction, "Stop that, it's embarrassing,"

"You're in love, Ember Rowle," Blaise sang, teasingly.

'He takes my breath away' had always been a cliché phrase but now Ember was realising just how much that line made a lot of sense. Her body numbed as she watched him grin boyishly at her — as if he were about to make a silly joke to her and Ember's stomach tumbled once again. He was so childish, so amazing it made Ember cringe. As much as she hated it, he was perfect.

Despite the years of teasing, bullying and threats Ember couldn't believe that she fancied him. Him of all people. What would her father think? What would the Dark Lord think? Merlin, she was doing her task better than she thought. It was almost as if it weren't an act anymore... Almost. She had to stick to the plan no matter what — No matter if feelings got in the way. It was her duty and she owed it to Draco and to the Dark Lord for her mother's 'mistakes'.

"Don't stare, it's rude," muttered Cullen quickly and Ember quickly averted her eyes from the Gryffindor boy.

"Shut up, Cullen," she whispered as quietly as possible but he just smirked in response and patted her shoulder.

Draco groaned from beside Cullen, "Can we sit down and watch the show? My legs are tired from standing."

"I second that," Vaisey said, raising his hand.

The Slytherins around Ember nodded in agreement and walked passed her to sit at the green and silver table, though none of them took their eyes off Harry Potter and Ember Rowle as the two of them had a staring contest.

"We're going to beat you in Quidditch!" he exclaimed giddily, and Ember laughed in response.

"It's on, Potter!" Ember called back to him, unable to contain the broad grin that spread across her face.

"Come on, Blaise! Billie!" Ember screamed, cupping her hands over her mouth so that they could hear her yells as they flew around the pitch that afternoon.

Billie was now permanently on the Quidditch team as Seeker since Draco had dropped out to spend more time in the Room of Requirement. She was actually really good at it, despite her preferred position being Chaser. Blaise was a Chaser along with Vaisey and Hamish Urqhart. The two Beaters were Crabbe and Goyle and the only reason they were on the team is because of how much aggression they had since they weren't particularly good at flying. The Slytherin Keeper, Joseph Stephenson, wasn't very good against the Chasers on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Go Blaise!" yelled Ember as he streaked down the pitch, a Quaffle tucked neatly under his arm and the Slytherin crowd roared with choruses of 'Weasley Is Our King' when the goal was scored.

How To Annoy A Gryffindor ; harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now