Step 24: Gossip with Snape

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Snape took a seat at the desk in his office and Ember took a seat opposite him, looking unamused. She was almost scared about what he would say to her, but she couldn't break in front of him or he'd seen just how terrified she was of what was going to happen in the next year.

"Ember, Narcissa has told me of the..." Snape paused, trying to find the word for it, "task... that the Dark Lord has given to each you and Draco. I must warn you that it will not be easy, he's designed it to crack the two of you in half. To threaten you. To punish you."

"Punish us?" Ember asked confused.

"Lucius Malfoy was caught by a bunch of Ministry officials and put in Azkaban, I don't think that the Dark Lord would let it go just like that. He's using this as an opportunity to punish the Malfoy family," explained Snape.

Ember tilted her head in confusion, "What've I got to do with the Malfoy's?"

"Austin Rowle specifically requested that you were to be given an important mission so that he could prove you could be a good follower of the Dark Lord," answered Snape.

Austin Rowle? As in her father? Her own father had requested that she get close to Harry Potter and help to gain information about him as well as help Draco kill Dumbledore?

"You're lying," Ember said shaking her head in disbelief. "I don't believe you."

"I was there, Ember," Snape said impatiently. "However, that doesn't matter now. I need to warn you to stay out of trouble — be careful."

"No shit," deadpanned Ember impatiently.

She wasn't in the mood to speak to Snape. She knew what he'd tell her; 'Be safe, don't get in trouble'. Ember didn't care anymore. She was already in trouble, anyone who had that stupid mark on their arm was in trouble. They'd die one way or another, it could be a spell, cast by one of Potter's cronies — the 'good people' — or by Voldemort and his cronies — the 'bad' people —

Snape scowled at Ember, "It's important that you take me seriously. I can help you as much as I possibly can but in the end it is your job and not mine. The Dark Lord has told you he wants you to get closer to Harry Potter, am I correct?"

"Yes," Ember said shortly, staring down at the desk instead of looking at Snape.

"You've been trying, haven't you? I can tell — I didn't think you could survive a conversation without hexing or insulting him." replied Snape.

Ember scowled, "That's what the others said... And you can't talk — you're an asshole to Potter."

"I do not appreciate that language, Ember," Snape said coldly. "I am not your godfather at school, I'm your teacher —"

"— as my teacher, you shouldn't be speaking to me about this. It's none of your business what Draco and I have been asked to do. We just have to do it or people will be hurt — you could be hurt, Severus. I wouldn't put it past him. He'd kill Draco's family, as well as mine, which unfortunately includes you... and stupid Austin," retorted Ember, frustrated with all the weight that was currently on her shoulders.

Snape sighed, "Relax, Ember. Fine, I'm your godfather and your Professor at school. You have to keep up with your NEWT studies this year, everything is changing now. Don't let this task cause you to fail everything — I don't care what you say in response. Don't. Be. Foolish. Don't get into trouble — at all, don't skip class to go on walks around the castle, don't be suspicious and most of all; don't let Harry Potter know."

"He already has his suspicions. Mostly about Draco — I don't know why he told me — he said that Granger and Weasley don't believe him but he's almost one hundred per cent sure that he's correct." Ember said, rubbing her forehead.

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