Step 9: Live with Muggles

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Ember and Hamish were dubbed 'Slytherin Power Couple' the moment he asked her to be his girlfriend. He asked her in the strangest way, but Ember, of course, said yes happily.

"Weasley and Potter aren't here," observed Draco, pointing to the Gryffindor table at breakfast.

It was the day of the Christmas holidays and Ember was actually considering going home. She didn't usually return for the Christmas holidays since she liked to use magic and wouldn't be able to if she was home, but for some reason she felt the need to go.

"I'm surprised you didn't notice before," said Blaise who was wiping a bit off pumpkin juice off the corner of Georgia's mouth. "They haven't been here for a week,"

"Mum says Mr Weasley was at St Mungo's," added Billie, stuffing her face with food.

Billie's mum worked as a Healer at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries so

"What? Did she say why?" said Ember, suddenly interested.

"Nope, she says that it isn't any of my business," Billie answered with a shrug.

Ember frowned. That didn't explain why Potter had left with them and Granger was still here. Hermione would probably join them today when we go home, thought Ember.

"Hey, Rowle," said Hamish, plopping next to Ember at the table much to Draco's dismay he glared at the boy warily.

"Hey, Hamish," Ember grinned, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Are you going home today, for the holidays?"

"Yeah," he answered.

"Er—" Ember said, over the past few weeks of having Hamish for her boyfriend she realised that he was incredibly shit at keeping the conversation going. "— I'm still deciding whether I want to go back or not... I've packed my trunk just in case,"

"You should probably decide soon, Em," said Cullen who was sitting next to her. "The train leaves in an hour,"

"You never go back for the holidays!" exclaimed Draco.

Ember blushed, "I know, but no one else is staying here! And I don't really fancy seeing Professor Umbridge any more than I have to," she muttered the last bit quietly.

"Umbridge is great," defended Hamish with a raised eyebrow.

Ember scoffed, "You're joking,"

"Not at all," said Hamish. "I'll see you later," he gave Ember a quick peck on the cheek and got up to sit with his friends who patted him on the back and whooped at the sight of him.

"I don't like him," said Blaise, his eyes narrowing at him and his friends who were sitting farther down the table.

Ember shrugged, "I do, I know he seems like a dick but he can be really sweet,"

"Just let Ember be happy and stop acting all protective," said Georgia.

Draco, Blaise and Cullen had taken it upon themselves to worry about Ember and Hamish's relationship. Draco hated the guy and claimed that if he ever hurt her than he would kill him. Blaise was similar to Draco, though he wasn't as extreme, he wasn't a very aggressive guy unless it came to Georgia. Cullen was a whole different story, he was glad that Ember was happy and he liked Hamish because he made Ember feel happy and cheerful, but he did once say that he would join Draco in killing him if he ever tried anything with her.

Ember couldn't help but think throughout the whole of the breakfast whether she wanted to return home or not. Did she want to? Sure, she wanted to see Romeo and Sabrina, but she just hated the thought of not being able to use magic, not being able to talk about magic in public, being seen by her Slytherin friends with her muggle family.

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