Step 20: Slowly Die Inside

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Ember couldn't move as she heard the high-pitch, piercing, echoing screams that emitted from Sabrina and Romeo as they cradled their mother's face. She knew she had to get them out of here, how the hell was she going to do that. Tears were falling down her face as she crouched down with the other two children.

"S- Sab," Ember stuttered, grabbing her hand. "Come on, Sab... W-We've got to go."

"Mum!" she cried, struggling to get out of Ember's grip. "She's dead!"

Ember gulped and grabbed Romeo as well, trying to wrestle the two of them out of the room. It was heartbreaking to watch as the two children lurched themselves so that they stayed close to their mother's dead body. Sabrina and Romeo, they were only young... they were still Ember's little babies, and they'd lost their mum. It was all her fault. If she hadn't poisoned their lives with her appearance they wouldn't be dead.

"Ember," Romeo cried, burying his head in her chest. "Why, why did they do this?"

"I don't know, Rome," she said bitterly. "They're awful people, I'll get them back... You'll see..."

Sabrina looked at Ember, her cheeks stained with tears. "Can we fix her? There's a counter-curse, right?"

Ember regretfully shook her head, "I'm so sorry, Sab. Come on, I'll get you out of here."

"Cullen's." Romeo hiccoughed through his wailing sobs. "Please,"

"I —" Ember hesitated. Would Cullen's be safe from everything? Probably not. She needed to take them to someone safe.

"Blaise?" Sabrina asked.

"He's going to France," answered Ember.

God, why were all her friends rich and leaving the country for the holiday or just not safe for muggles? That's what you get when you're a Slytherin. Blaise was going to France with his mum because she had found another suitable candidate for a husband. Billie's family were incredibly prejudiced which didn't make sense because Billie was a half-blood. Georgia was going away because her family didn't want to be part of the war during the holidays. Draco was an obvious no, his mother and father would kill him if he brought muggles home. Cullen was the most ideal option but Ember couldn't risk anything. These were her family. She needed to find them the safest place in the world which was... Hogwarts. No way.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do," Ember said, reaching out for Sab's left shoulder and Romeo's right. "You know the floo network? The green powder dropped into the chimney? You've seen me do it,"

Sab gave a short nod and Romeo didn't reply he just choked out incoherent words.

"We're going to floo to my school, okay?" she said, nervously.

Could she even do that? Would it work? Ember had no clue if anyone even lived in Hogwarts over the summer but she hoped so otherwise, her plan would crumble to pieces. It was a stretch to go to Hogwarts but where else could she go?

Ember led Sabrina and Romeo over to the fireplace and grabbed some of the green powder they kept on the mantlepiece. She transferred it into Romeo's hand and ushered him into the fireplace.

"It's alright, Romeo," she said gently. "You have to let go of me, and say 'Dumbledore's office' as clearly as you can? Can you remember that?"

Romeo gulped and nodded slowly, his hand closing around the powder, "Dumbledore's office," he said as clearly as he could. The powder dropped and he was engulfed with the familiar green flames. Sabrina gasped.

"He'll be fine," Ember assured. "It's your turn now,"

Sabrina did the same as Romeo though she seemed to have trouble walking into the fireplace because she was so unbalanced and shaky. Ember quickly followed and landed straight in the strange office that Dumbledore owned.

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