dream three, part one

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                      The First Date

He finally asked her out. They were going on their first date, but she had no idea where. All he told her was to dress as she usually does and that he was picking her up at 4 pm.

She wakes up at 9 am, excited for the day. She goes downstairs, then eats breakfast. After she eats, she goes upstairs to chill before getting ready. She eats a small lunch at 12 pm, does nothing for another two hours, then begins to get ready. She walks to the bathroom, brushes her teeth then takes a shower. She walks back to her room, puts on some music, then takes a deep breath before walking to her closet to pick an outfit.

After 20 minutes, she decides to wear her blue You Matter hoodie with a black Nike t-shirt under, black Dickies, white ankle socks, and Yacht Club Vans. She puts on coin earrings, three necklaces, and her rings. She also grabs a black shoulder bag, where she puts her wallet, portable chargers, chapstick, gum and keys. She puts her white and black braids in a half-up half-down, leaving two white braids in the front down. She takes a couple fit pics in her mirror, then facetimes her best friend while she waits for him to pick her up.

Once she gets a text from him that he's outside her house, she says goodbye to her best friend, hangs up, unplugs her phone, grabs her shoulder bag, places her charger in it and puts it on, then jogs out of her house. She jogs up to his black Jeep, opens the door, takes off her bag, then hops right in.

They turn to each other and grin, then he says, "Hey." "Hi." She puts on her seatbelt, then turns to him again, seeing that he has an aux cord in his hand. "You can have the aux," he says with a smirk. "Really?" she says with excitement and disbelief. He nods his head, so she takes the cord and connects it to her phone. As he starts to drive out of her neighborhood, she puts her favorite playlist on shuffle, then says "Marry me." "Bet." he says with a smirk.

They begin to sing their hearts out to the songs flowing through the car's speakers. Once they are fully out of her neighborhood, he places his hand on her thigh, making her instantly tense and flustered. He smiles at her quickly then says, "Is this okay? You seem a little flustered." "Yeah no, it's fine," she stutters. "Alright," he says before winking at her. She shakes her head then they continue to sing along to the music.

After a nice thirty minute drive, they arrive at an outlet mall. He parks the car, turns it off, gets out, goes around the car, and opens the door for her. "Thank you, kind sir," she says as she unbuckles her seatbelt, unplugs her phone from the aux, grabs her bag and gets out of the car. "My pleasure, madam." "Okay, Chick-Fil-A worker," she chuckles. ""Shut up," he says while closing the door and locking the car. Seeing him stand in front of her, she finally gets a glimpse at his outfit. He is wearing a dark green Nike sweatshirt with a white collared shirt underneath, beige Dickies, white ankle socks, green Old Skool Vans that match his sweatshirt, rings, a silver chain, silver diamond earrings and a white shoulder bag. He holds his hand out in front of her then asks, "Can I hold your hand?" "Yes, you can. Thanks for asking," she says before placing her hand onto his and interlocking their fingers.

They start walking to who knows where, since she has no idea what the plan is. He leads her to a diner that she's never been to before, but always wanted to go to. He opens the door for her, and she thanks him. They sit across from each other in a booth. After a couple minutes, a waitress greets them and hands them menus. A little while later, they order drinks, burgers and fries. For the next two hours, they eat, talk about anything and everything, joke around, and cry tears of laughter.

Once they finish, they order a to-go box of fries and some sodas. After an argument and three games of rock-paper-scissors, he pays for everything. They grab the food and drinks, then walk out of the diner. "Where are we going now?" she asks. "You'll see. Just follow me." "Fine," she says before they start walking.

After fifteen minutes of walking, they stop at a cliff. She turns to him and asks, "Why are we here?" "To watch the sunset. We made it just in time." he replies, before sitting down. She follows suit, then turns to look at him. He pulls a speaker out of his bag, and holds it out to her. "Do you wanna play some songs while we watch the sunset?" "I would love to," she says before taking the speaker, connecting it to her phone and putting on some chill music. She sets the speaker and her phone down, then puts her head on his shoulder. They just sit, eat and watch the beauty of the sunset happen.

The sky was a nice blue, purple and pink mix, getting darker as time goes on. He grabs her right hand and starts playing with her rings. She instantly gets butterflies. As "Summertime in Paris" by Jaden plays, she turns to look at him and smiles. He looks at her as well, then bites his bottom lip. Soon enough, they start to lean in. He places one hand on her cheek and the other around her waist, then they kiss. This is their first kiss, and it is more perfect than anything she could've imagined. They pull away after some time, and just grin at each other. "Wow," they say in unison. They laugh. Once they calm down, he asks, "Well, will you be my girlfriend?" "I would love to," she replies, before kissing him again.

When they pull away, they go back into their original position, her head on his shoulder. After twenty minutes, the sun has fully set and he remembers she has a curfew. "We gotta get going," he says as he starts collecting their trash. "Aw why?" She pouts. "Because you have a curfew and I don't want to get crucified by your parents. We just became official." "Fiiine," she says before she starts collecting things as well.

She turns off the music and disconnects her phone from the speaker. Once they both stand up, she hands him his speaker. He places it in his bag, then walks to a trash can to throw their trash away. He walks back to her then places his arms around her waist, which causes her to place her hands around his neck. "Hey, girlfriend," he says. "Hey, boyfriend." "I like the sound of that." "Me too, you cornball." "You went with it." "Touché." He smirks, then says, "Indeed. Anyway, you ready to go?" "Yessir." "Sweet." He kisses her cheek, then wraps his arm around her shoulder.

They walk back to his car and when they reach it, he opens the door for her. She thanks him, takes off her bag, gets in then puts on her seatbelt. He closes the door, walks around the car, opens his door, and does the same. She reconnects her phone to the aux, and the ride begins. They drive surrounded by the pitch black sky, singing their hearts out once again. Once they reach her house, out of habit, he turns off the car, gets out and opens her door. She grabs her bag and gets out of the car, thanking him. He grabs her hand and they walk to her front door.

Once they reach it, they turn to face each other and he takes hold of her other hand. "Thank you for tonight. Really," she says, grinning. "I should be thanking you. It was an honor to take you on a date," he says, grinning cheekily. "Enough," she says, shaking her head. "Alright, alright." she rolls her eyes then says, "Text me when you get home." "Yes, ma'am," he says, while saluting her. They laugh. "I'll talk to you later, alright?" "Alright. Goodnight, love." he says before kissing her forehead and starting to walk back to his car. "Goodnight," she says before taking her keys out of her bag, unlocking and opening her front door. She turns to smile and wave at him before walking into her house. She walks up to her room, unable to wipe the grin off her face.
—————————————————————this has to be one of my favorite scenarios that i've written. i need this to happen in my life, or else my life won't be complete. thanks,
- management
lmaoooo i need to stop saying that. anyway, i hope you enjoyed part one of the sky stuff!

- joyce <3

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