dream forty-three

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              Coffee Shops & Book Talks

It was a slow day, which she didn't mind. There weren't many customers coming into the coffee shop she worked at, which allowed her to sit around and read. As she finished up one of the chapters, a bell chimed, signaling someone entering the shop. She quickly put the book away, looked up and smiled, ready to greet the customer.

Her breathing stopped when she saw who had walked in. He was gorgeous. Everything about him was perfect, from his hair to his clothes. After moments of staring, she remembered that she was working and couldn't stare at him forever. She snapped out of it then said, "Hi, welcome to Topanga's. What can I get for you?"

He grinned at her then ordered. Once she finished taking his order, he sat at the bar near the register and she began making his order. When she finished making it, she walked to where he sat to hand it to him. As she walked, she noticed that he was reading the same book she was.

She smiled widely when she reached him, and once she placed his order down, she said, "Here you go. That's a great book, by the way." He smiled and said, "Thank you. You've read it?" She quickly walked over to where she hid the book, grabbed it, then walked back and said, "I'm reading it right now. What chapter are you on?"

That question started a conversation that lasted hours. They sat and discussed everything they could about the book. Their favorite characters, parts where they cried or screamed, what surprised them, everything. At some point, she checked the time and realized that it was time to close up shop.

She gasped then said, "Oh wow. I completely lost track of time. We've technically been closed for the last thirty minutes." His eyes went wide then he said, "I was supposed to meet up with some friends for dinner. They're going to kill me." She laughed then said, "Good luck with that." He pulled at his phone to check his messages as she started cleaning.

Once she finished, she grabbed her things then walked over to him. He looked up from his phone then said, "My friends cancelled hours ago, and I had nothing to worry about. So, I don't have any plans for the rest of the night, and if you don't as well, would you like to have dinner together?" "Yeah, let's do it."

They smiled at each other, then started to decide where to eat as they walked out. They spent the rest of the night talking and eating at a beautiful restaurant, very thankful for their local coffee shop.
—————————————————————-hey! i swear this book isn't dead, just my motivation and spare time lmao. school is wack and i don't want to write for my english class again. i just finished my second week and i have to write another damn poem. anyway, i wrote this a couple days ago and forgot to post it haha, i hope y'all like it though! i like to update y'all on what i'm watching (if you couldn't tell LMAO), so i'm currently watching clickbait on netflix, twisted on hulu (avan jogia is too damn fine) and regular show (don't ask). it's an interesting mix, i can't lie. anyway, i think i might rewrite my older short stories because they are great ideas but my writing was terrible back then. i'll let y'all know lmao. i hope you're all doing amazing fr :) have a beautiful day and take care of yourselves!!

- i'm ready for summer bro, joyce <3

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