dream thirty-two

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Ha! I Have Bigger Balls Than You!

She was feeling very weird at that moment. A new family had moved into her neighborhood a couple weeks ago, and she befriended the boy her age. They've hung out a lot recently, which caused her to have a little (big) crush on him. His family had invited hers over for dinner, so she was getting ready for that.

Soon enough, her family was ready, so they headed across the street. Once they reached his house, her dad rang the doorbell. His mother opened the door and let them in, resulting in many greetings. After lots of hugs and hellos, everyone was seated with their age groups.

The parents were all together on one side of the living room, the kids were in the basement, and the young adults and teenagers were on the other side of the living room. She sat next to him and his older brother, and just as she was about to say something to him, his mom called out to him saying, "Come set the table!" He gave her an apologetic smile and got up to do as told.

She sat there awkwardly, unsure of who to talk to. His older brother turned to her, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said, "You know he really likes you, right?" She did a double take, turned to him, then said, "What?" He smiled and said, "I thought it was obvious. He always wants to hangout with you and all he does is talk about you." She smirked and said, "Oh really?" He nodded his head slyly, then said, "Yup. He's just afraid to make a move, so you definitely should." "Hm. Good to know."
They started a random conversation that went on until dinner was finally ready.

The families sat at the table, shared a prayer, then loaded their plates. They had a great meal while having great conversations together. Once everyone was finished and everything was cleaned, his mother turned to him and said, "You two can go up to his room if you want." He turned to her and she smiled. He nodded his head toward the stairs, and they walked to his room.

They both took off their shoes and jumped onto his bed. He turned to her and said, "So, how's it been?" "Pretty good. Your family is great, and really freaking funny." "Yours is too. Your dad had me crying earlier." "Yeah, my parents are like the funniest people I know." "What about me?" "Nope. Sorry, bro." "Damn. Well, what do you want to do?" "I don't know. I'm the guest, remember?" "You've been here like a hundred times." "These are different circumstances." "I hate you." She blew him a kiss and he just shook his head and bit his lip, trying to hide his smile. "We could watch a movie or something," he said. "Alright, let's watch something."

After ten minutes, they finally decided on something to watch. They sat in silence, just watching the movie. At some point, she placed her head on his shoulder, which made him smile. Halfway through the movie, she took her head off his shoulder, which made his heart drop a little. He looked at her, concerned, and asked, "What's up?" She made eye contact with him, then went for it.

She placed her arms around his neck and kissed him. He immediately kissed back, placing his arms around her waist. He pulled away after a little while with the biggest smile on his face. She smiled at the sight of his face. "Wow. I was not expecting that." "Expect the unexpected, right?" "Fair. Well, I really like you."

Even though she didn't think it was possible, her smile got bigger and she said, "I really like you too, if you couldn't tell." They both chuckled, then he said, "I actually couldn't, so thanks for clarifying." "I hate you." "That kiss says otherwise." "Shut up," she said, turning away from him.

He placed one of his hands on her face and turned her head toward him. He kissed her, and after a couple of seconds, he pulled away and said, "Don't be embarrassed." She smiled and said, "You know I'm almost always embarrassed." "I know, I know. But seriously, don't be. I'm glad you kissed me first because I don't think I had the balls to do it first." "Ha! I have bigger balls than you!" "You're so weird." "You still love me though." "You're right, I do." "Gross."

They figured out where their relationship was going, then, they spent the rest of the night completely ignoring the movie, and talking about all sorts of things. Eventually, her family decided it was time to head home. They said their goodbyes, then walked back to their house. She got to her room and just flopped onto her bed, thinking about the amazing dinner she just had.
—————————————————————hey besties! i'm currently in french lmaooo. anyway, i hope y'all liked this! it's based on a daydream i had a while ago haha. also, sorry if things get confusing (like you don't know who's doing what to who), it's hard to write without using names. but, i'm not using names lmaooo. off topic, but i think i'm gonna rewatch victorious because i cannot find anything good to watch. also, i cannot believe the school year is almost over wtf. i'm going to be a junior next year, wish me luck :) but yeah, have a great day and make sure you eat something!

- a stressed mf, joyce <3 (i got a lot of things to worry about lmaooo)

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