dream forty-nine

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                                                                The Kiss Pact
Her senior year was about to start, and she still had not had her first kiss. It was driving her crazy, so she decided to take matters into her own hands. There was a boy that she has been pining after for years, and she knew he hadn't had his first kiss either.

On the first day of her senior year, she searched for this boy once the lunch bell rang. She found him walking through the hallway, which caused her to pick up her pace. When she approached him, she pulled him into an empty classroom and shut the door behind them. "Geez, woman! You could at least announce your presence before dragging a man into an empty, dark classroom," he exclaimed as he turned the lights on. "My bad, this is just kinda important," she replied anxiously.

His facial expression grew soft as he asked, "What's up?" She took a deep breath before she began to ramble, "Okay, I know this is weird and I completely understand if you decline, but I was thinking we could make a kiss pact. We're like the only seniors that haven't had their first kiss, so if we're still kissing virgins by graduation, we should just kiss each other. We're friends so it shouldn't be that weird. Well I hope it won't be. I probably sound crazy. I'll stop talking now." She anxiously played with her fingers as she waited for him to respond, refusing to look up from her sneakers.

He chuckled before he said, "I never thought I'd see you this anxious to talk to me. I'm not going to lie, I definitely wasn't expecting you to say that, but I'm not opposed to the idea. Let's do it." She looked up with shock written all over her face, making eye contact with him. "Wait you're down?" "Absolutely," he grinned. She could not help but smile as she held her hand out. She lightly smirked as she asked, "So we have a deal?" "Yes, we do," he said as he placed his hand in hers, firmly shaking it.

They laughed as they let go of each other's hands and exited the classroom. She turned to him once they entered the hallway and said, "Promise that if you have your first kiss, you tell me. The pact is off if that happens, of course." "I promise if you do," he said as he turned to her as well, holding his pinky out. She latched her pinky onto his, forming a pinky promise, then said, "I promise too." They smiled at each other before releasing their pinkies and heading to where their friend group always sat during lunch.

The rest of senior year went by in a flash. She enjoyed every moment of it, but as graduation grew near, she grew anxious. She never stopped thinking of the pact and they never spoke of it. She dreaded the day that he would tell her he kissed someone else, and she became upset just thinking about it. Little did she know, he wanted this pact to go through just as much as she did. His heart always skipped a beat when she texted him or came up to talk to him, awaiting the dreaded news of her first kiss with someone else. However, it never happened.

Eventually, it was graduation day. She was excited for many reasons, but especially because unless he magically kissed someone before or during graduation, he was all hers. Once graduation was over, they both sighed in relief. What they both dreamed of would finally happen, they just had to run into each other again, and they knew just the place.

After the ceremony, her friend group decided to celebrate with their families, then meet at the huge party happening later that night. She impatiently sat through dinner with her family, eager to get ready and head out. She was finally able to get home, change out of her cap and gown, then get ready for the wild night ahead of her. Once she was ready, she picked up a couple of her friends and they made their way to the graduation party.

As soon as they stepped into the mansion hosting the party, everything came alive. She danced and mingled around, basking in every second of it. Hours passed before she found him in one of the many living rooms. They caught each other's eye at the same moment, making them both instantly smile. He told his friends he would back before walking toward her, and they met in the middle.

"Hey," he said smoothly. "Hi." "Well, we made it." "We did. Cheers to us." "Cheers indeed. I guess we should just go for it, huh?" "I guess so," she whispered as they leaned closer to each other. He gently placed one hand around her waist as the other cupped her cheek. As he did so, she placed her arms around his neck. Soon enough, they finally kissed. The world around them went silent as they both shared their first kiss. Moments later, she pulled away and they shyly grinned at one another. "I hope that isn't the last time we do that," he whispered. "Me too," she whispered back. He kissed her once more before they took hold of each other's hands and spent the rest of the night together. Who knew a kiss pact would be the start of their beautiful relationship.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- hi! i apologize for the sporadic updates recently, i have no ideas and forget that i write lmao. anyway, i'm literally back in the 7th grade y'all. my stranger things obsession is back and better than ever. eddie, steve, lucas, and mike can get it any day of the year bro i don't care. i've been up to nothing all summer, but i cannot promise anything because i'm seriously running low on ideas. i hope you like this though because i love it :) i hope you're all doing swell and enjoying your break! stay safe!

a tired brochacho,
joyce <3

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