dream twenty

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She wants a love story. Specifically, enemies to lovers.

                             You Suck

She's always hated him. Ever since they met in middle school, they hated each other. Everything was a competition. They fought over things like who had the best essay, who got the better test scores, who's poster looked cooler, etc. Over the years, they developed crushes on each other, but they would NEVER admit that. They're seniors now, and the fire of their fight hasn't diminished one bit.

Today, they were getting their test scores back in Calculus. She walked into the class in a bad mood, and she hoped that he wouldn't make it worse. She sat in her seat and put her head down, ready to go home. She felt someone tap her back, so she lifted her head and turned in her seat to see him looking at her with a smirk on his face. "Are you excited to get our scores back? I already know I annihilated you," he said. "Yeah, whatever," she says before turning around and putting her head back down.

The class eventually started and she got some spirit to actually get some work done. Ten minutes before the period was over, her teacher passed the tests back. She saw her score and sighed because although it was an A, she knew she could've done better.

She turned to him and asked, "So, what'd you get?" "Ninety-six percent. What about you?" "I got a Ninety-three," she said with a sigh. A huge smile spread across his face before he said, "I won. I always knew you were the dumbest piece of sh*t on the planet." She looked at him then said, "You know what? F*ck you." She turned around and placed her head on the desk, hoping to get home before she hurt someone. He stared at her in shock because although they were enemies, she never swore at him. His heart hurt knowing that his words hurt her that much. They both spent the rest of the period staring into space, overthinking the situation.

The bell finally rang and she wasted no time leaving the classroom. She went about the rest of her day, just wanting to drive home and go to bed. When the final bell rang, she took her time getting ready to leave since she knew the parking lot would have loads of traffic. By the time she started heading to her car, the school was pretty empty.

As she walked past the many classrooms, she got pulled into a nearby hallway. She was about to scream before she saw who dragged her. She rolled her eyes then asked, "What do you want?" He shook his head before saying, "I want to know what the hell is up with you. Why did you say that to me earlier?" She looked at him funny before saying, "First of all, watch your tone. Second of all, why do you care? Aren't we enemies?" "Just tell me." "Who are you talking to?" "You!" He shouts. "Since you want to know so bad, I had a crappy day and your comment was the cherry on top!" She shouts back. "Well how was I supposed to know?" "You weren't, but you could've tried to be a decent human for once!" "Well, you could've told me!" "Why would I do that! We're not friends and you clearly don't care about my feelings!" Next thing you know, he kissed her.

She surprisingly kissed him back, and they made out for a little bit. She pulled away and said, "You suck." "You suck too," he said with a grin. She just shook her head and smiled. They made eye contact then he said, "Hey look, I'm really sorry. I never actually hated you and I would never want to make your days worse than they already are. I'm a head*ss and I'm sorry." "It's cool, don't trip. I still hate you though." "I hate you more." "Really?" She asked, looking at him skeptically. "Yeah. I hate you so much more that I want to take you out on a date," he says with a smirk. "Smooth. Text me and we'll see." "Yeah?" "Yeah."

He kissed her forehead before they let go of each other. He winked at her before she started heading to her car again. She finally got to her car and decided to put on some music. She played "Not Allowed" by TV Girl as she drove out of the school parking lot, excited that her dream love story had finally begun.
—————————————————————hey losers! jkjk you guys are cool. anyway, i actually really liked this and i hope you do too! i've always wanted an enemies to lovers type of love story so why not write it down? i highly recommend listening to the song at the end, and i put it there because the lyrics say "you suck" a lot haha. i don't really have anything else to say but i hope you're all doing spectacular!! stay safe and spend some time with the people you love!!

- someone that wishes she had some friends right now, joyce <3

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