dream twenty-four

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Welcome, Neighbor

It's been a couple days since she moved into her first apartment and she was tired. She had been getting her things together, organizing like crazy and making sure the place looked nice. She finally achieved the look she wanted and she was ready to sleep peacefully that night. She got into her pajamas and decided to read for a little while before she went to sleep.

As she looked around her room with pride, she noticed something that made her scream. She grabbed her phone and keys, then scrambled out of her apartment. She opened her front door at the same time as her next-door neighbor. They frantically looked at each other and he said, "What's wrong?" "There's a spider in my room!" "Seriously?" "Yes! I am terrified of spiders." "You have bug spray?" "Yeah." "Show me where it is and I'll kill it." "Really?" "Yes, now hurry before it moves and you don't know where it is."

She scrambled back into her apartment and grabbed the bug spray from one of the cabinets. She handed the can to him and led him into her bedroom. Luckily, the spider was still in the corner, which she pointed out. He sprayed the spider, grabbed a tissue from a nearby tissue box, picked it up, then threw it away in the kitchen trash can.

He turned to her, smiled and said, "Well, there you go. The spider is now dead, so I hope to hear no more screams tonight." "Yeah, sorry about that. But, thank you so much." "No problem," he said as he started walking toward the door. He stopped, then turned and said, "Hey, do I know you?" "Oh shoot, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, I'm your new neighbor. I moved in a couple days ago." She said her name and he said his. They shook hands and finally caught a glimpse of each other, which made them bust out laughing.

She was wearing an oversized t-shirt with Spongebob on it, sweatshorts that didn't match, and fuzzy socks. He was shirtless, with nice abs that she looked at for a second too long, and wearing fuzzy Christmas pajama shorts, even though it was May. "Love the shorts," she said once they settled down. "Love the shirt," he replied with a smirk.

She shook her head and chuckled, then awkwardly said, "Well, I apologize again for interrupting your night and I hope to properly meet you during the day." "It's all good, don't worry about it. Also, I think this was a very proper meeting." They laughed a little then she said, "I feel bad so why don't I treat you to lunch tomorrow?" "I would love that. I'm expecting the same attire though," he said winking at her. She laughed and shook her head, then said, "I can't make any promises. But, I can promise that I will be knocking on your door at 12:30 tomorrow." "Sweet. I would promise that I will be ready by then, but I need to keep your expectations low." "Alrighty then, I'll see you later." "Sweet dreams, m'lady." "Goodnight, my good sir," she said bowing at him.

They laughed as he walked to her door. Just as he was about to close the door, he peeked his head through the open crack and said, "Oh yeah, welcome, neighbor." She smiled and he shut her door. She locked the door and went back into bed, happy for her knight in shining armor and the adventures that were to come with him.
—————————————————————hey! i'm alive! i don't even have any excuse for not updating in over a week lmaooo, but here we are. i literally have nothing to say damn. well, i hope you enjoyed this and make sure to drink some water! i'll catch y'all on the flip side :)

- i hâte school, joyce <3

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