dream forty-seven

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                          Finals Week

Finals week was coming up and she was ready for it to be over. Final assignments and study guides were being handed out like gifts on Christmas Day and she was exhausted.

As her boyfriend noticed her despair, he proposed that they had a study date. At first, she was highly skeptical of anything productive being done, but she decided to have some hope and agreed. They decided to meet that weekend at their favorite spot in their local library, and she was finally excited about something during the dreaded period.

The weekend finally came around and she woke up blissfully. She got ready, packed her backpack with books and snacks, then made her way to the library.

Once she arrived, she made a beeline toward their favorite spot: a hidden table near a huge window, which was accompanied with a nook. Once the nook came into her view, she smiled.

Her boyfriend sat in the nook, scrolling mindlessly on his phone. "Good morning," she said as she placed her bag down. His head instantly shot up when he heard her voice and he smiled softly. "Morning, sunshine." "You ready?"  "Why of course," he said as he stood up and slipped his phone away.

They both sat at the table, turned to each other in unison, then laughed. Once they settled, she said, "We need to stop doing that. Anyway, I need you to promise that we'll get things done today. I cannot waste a day of studying because I was fooling around with you."

"First of all, I don't think a day with me will ever be a waste." As soon as he finished that sentence, she glared at him intensely. He jokingly clutched his heart before he said, "Ouch. Anyway, I promise we will actually study and take reasonable breaks."

She held out her pinky as she asked, "Pinky promise?" He rolled his eyes before leaning closer to her, locking his pinky with hers, and saying, "Pinky promise." She pecked his cheek before they let go of each other's pinkies, then asked, "What subject should we do first?"

This question led to the start of their studies. Many books and folders were pulled out, a Spotify listening party was started, and they got to studying. They used every study method in the books; Kahoots, flash cards, worksheets and practice problems, orally quizzing each other, and practice quizzes. After hours of working their brains, she suddenly stood up from her chair and sat on the nook. He attempted to hide his smile as he did the same.

They sat on opposite sides of the space, facing each other. He smirked as he said, "Have we given up for the day?" She jokingly glared at him before exclaiming, "Absolutely not! We have a lot of time and a lot to study." He softened as he said, "My love, take a deep breath. We have plenty of time to study and we've done so much today. You're the smartest person I know anyway. You'll be fine."

"You can never be too prepared." "Yes, you can. Let's take a break and just take our minds off finals for a bit." "Are you sure that's a good idea? I feel like we shouldn't take too long of a break." "You know the material, trust me. Relax with me, sweetheart."

She smiled reluctantly then said, "I hate you, but you're right." "I always am." "Lying is a sin, my love." "Shut up." They laughed before starting a random conversation, which lasted hours.

They sat in that spot for ages, and although she was mentally kicking herself for wasting her precious study time, she couldn't think of a better way to spend her time than with her lover.
—————————————————————sup y'all! i'm still alive, life has just been beating me up all year. i wrote this like last night and i haven't written since january 2nd LMAO. anyway, i can't catch y'all up on everything i've watched since then because we'd be here for a while, but i'm currently watching kc undercover and i recently watched heartstopper, which made me cry. also, finals week is next week then i'm done with junior year oh my. wish me luck! i hope you're all doing swell and life isn't jumping you!!! good luck to all of y'all doing exams and finish the school year strong!!

lots of love,
joyce <3

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