dream five

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She hates jealousy.

Jealousy Makes You Nasty

It is Saturday. They both have no plans for the day, so they decide to go to the mall. She does the usual hygiene stuff, then puts on a white graphic tee, black sweatshorts, white ankle socks and white Authentic Vans. She puts on her rings, necklaces and small, gold hoops, and leaves her box braids down. She grabs her wallet, chapstick and keys, places them in her pockets, then lays in her bed until her boyfriend comes to pick her up.

Once she gets a text from him saying that he's outside, she gets out of bed, grabs her phone, checks that she has everything, then jogs out of her house. She walks up to his car with a smile, opens the passenger seat door and gets in the car.

"Sup," she says to him as she buckles her seatbelt. She turns to him and he says, "Damn, no 'Hey, baby' or anything?" "We've been dating too long for you to expect such foul language to come out of my mouth." "Not foul language- I hate you." "Love you too, brodie." He rolls his eyes, chuckles then says, "Anyway, do you want the aux?" "That's like asking me if the earth rotates around the sun," she says as she grabs the cord and connects it to her phone. "I will kick you out of my car." "Alright, chill. Now, shall we get going?" "I guess," he says as he starts driving and her playlist plays through the car speakers.

After a 15 minute drive filled with sarcasm, arguing and bad singing, they get to the mall. He turns off the car, then goes around it to open the door for her. "Thank you, thank you," she says as she steps out of the car. She takes a small glance at his outfit, and sees that he's wearing a black graphic t-shirt, gray sweatshorts, white Nike socks and black Old Skool Vans. "No problemo, princessa," he says as he closes the door and locks the car. "Don't call me that," she says, looking away from him. "Okay," he says, smirking. She rolls her eyes then they start walking toward the mall doors.

They get in and immediately walk to the Vans store. They spend an hour there, looking at all sorts of things. They eventually decide to get matching beanies then leave the store. He asks if she's hungry and next thing you know, they're in the food court.

They decide that they want Chick-Fil-A, so they order food and wait for it to be ready. As they wait, he says that he has to go to the bathroom real quick, then he leaves. She stands around looking and feeling awkward, waiting for him and their food. Out of nowhere, this boy starts to walk toward her. She notices that it's an old friend of hers, so a smile instantly pops up on her face once she makes the realization. "Hey," he says once he reaches her. "Yo, what's up? I haven't seen you in a brick." "I'm a busy man," he replies, causing them to both laugh. They continue to catch up and joke with each other for a little while. Her boyfriend walks back to her, but he stops a bit away from her when he sees what's happening. A switch is flipped and that's when things go south. Out of nowhere, she feels arms wrapped around her waist, making her jump. She rolls her eyes when she turns to see her boyfriend, then continues her conversation. It runs for another two seconds until he kisses her neck then asks, "Who's this?" "He's an old friend that knows about personal space, unlike you. Get off me." He does the opposite though, and pulls her closer. She quickly gets agitated and is about to go off on the idiot she calls her boyfriend, when she is interrupted by the Chick-Fil-A worker calling her boyfriend's name for their food.

She turns to her friend and says, "Hey, I gotta go, but we can finish this conversation another time. If you see me around, make sure you say what's up." "Alright, see you around." "I pray that you won't," her boyfriend mutters under his breath, loud enough for her to hear. She yanks his arms off of her and says through gritted teeth, "Let's go." They walk to the counter to grab their food and as they walk off, she says, "Take me home." He stops walking and says in disbelief, "What?" "You heard me perfectly clear." "But we didn't even go to-" "I do not care. You've completely killed my mood, so take me home." "Can we at least eat in my car first?" She rolls her eyes and sighs, then says, "Fine."

They walk to his car in silence, angry thoughts flying through her head, and anxiously confused thoughts flying through his. They get to his car, he unlocks the doors, then they get in. They grab what's theirs, and begin to eat in silence. "Babe, I-" he starts, but she interrupts him. "So first, you can't let me enjoy a day at the mall and a friendly conversation with a dude in peace, and now you won't let me enjoy a meal in peace. Like bro, can a girl get a moment of peace?" All he does in response is look down, causing her to continue eating a meal that would be more enjoyable if he wasn't there.

Eventually, they both finish and without a word, he drives back to her house. The car ride is filled with tension and she doesn't look at him once. He gets to her house, but doesn't unlock her door. She turns to him annoyed and he says, "Can we please talk?" "Why?" "Because clearly I made you mad, but I want to know why." "You see nothing wrong with you touching me like that in public when you know I hate that, interrupting my conversation then doing the exact opposite of what I asked when I was clearly uncomfortable and frustrated?" "Well, I didn't see it like that." As sarcastically as she could, she says, "What did you see, oh wise one?" He shakes his head then says, "I saw a dude being too friendly with my girlfriend, so I had to show him that she is not single." "Dawg, he's an old friend and we had a couple classes together these past couple of years, that's all. How in the fudge would you know he's being too friendly if he wasn't touching me and you couldn't hear the conversation? Even if that was the case, you have no right doing all that and not respecting me when I ask you to back the fudge off." "I thought you were joking." "Oh, so did I not look like I wanted to bite your head off or should I work on my death stares?" "Dude." "I'm being serious. I was clearly taking shots at you and you couldn't pick up on the fact that I wasn't vibing with your whole 'alpha' bull that you were pulling?" "I'm sorry." "Nah. I'm not messing with this possessiveness and inability to read the room. Fix it or let me know that I'm wasting my time. Now let me out of this damn car before I call this entire relationship quits." "But-" he starts, but the glare she gives him stops him immediately. He unlocks the doors reluctantly, leading her to unbuckle her seatbelt, open the door and hop out the car with her things. "Thanks for the food and the ride," she says before slamming the car door and walking to her front door. She unlocks it and walks into her without looking back at him.

For the next two days, she ignores his calls and texts. She isn't in the mood to talk to him, and the thought or mention of him made her irritated. Eventually, she feels bad, so she texts him back. He asks to come over and talk, and she says yes.

Thirty minutes later, he's standing in front of her door, ringing the doorbell. She comes down to open the door, letting him in. They walk up to her room, not a single word spoken. She opens the door for him, then points to her office chair, not letting him take his usual spot on her bed. He slightly frowns, then walks to the chair. She closes the door then sits on her bed.

She looks at him annoyed then says, "What?" "Um, I really want to apologize. I was being a complete idiot and only thinking about myself. I should've worried less and respected your boundaries. I am so, so sorry for not respecting them. I completely understand why you said what you said and felt the way you felt. I was acting like the biggest head*ss on the planet. Once again, I'm sorry and I feel so bad for making you so angry. I will try my best to not be so possessive in the future." "I appreciate your apology. I forgive you, I guess," she says with a small smile. "But, don't ever disrespect my personal boundaries like that again." "I 100% will never do that again. I'm sorry." "It's cool. Now come here," she says holding her arms out. The biggest grin spreads across his face and he jumps out of the chair, running toward her. He tackles her, causing her to lay on her back on her bed. "I love you," he says. "I love you too, idiot."
—————————————————————y'all, this has to be one of the worst things i've ever written. i do hate jealousy though haha. anyway, the title of this scenario is actually one of my favorite wattpad books, so i highly recommend you read it if you haven't already (sadly, this isn't a paid promo, it's just a really good book). but yeah, i hope you could stomach this crap, but best believe better scenarios are coming soon. i am running out of stuff in docs, so updates will not be everyday soon haha rip. but yeah, have a beautiful day!
- a lowkey trash writer, joyce <3

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