dream thirty-five

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                            Let's Go!

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. She decided to have a chill day, so she was reading with soft music playing in the background. Her calm environment was ruined by someone yelling her name. The voice was not a family member's, so she looked outside her window to see him.

He was her really cute neighbor that she recently became friends with. He was currently standing in her driveway, holding his skateboard and yelling her name. She rolled her eyes, opened her window and yelled, "What the fudge do you want?"

He smiled, finally stopped yelling her name, then said, "Come out with your board. I'm teaching you how to skate." "Did I ask you to do that?" "No, but I want to." "I longboard, remember? I don't want to learn how to skate." "Oh, come on! You have a skateboard, bro. You can't let it collect dust."

She sat quietly for a second, thinking about the pros and cons. She could bust her butt out there, but she wouldn't mind spending time with him. She sighed then said, "You're lucky I already took a shower. I'll be down in fifteen." "Let's go!" She shook her head as she closed her window.

She got changed, grabbed a bag and filled it with essentials, grabbed her skateboard, then left her house. She walked toward him and noticed the huge grin on his face. She couldn't help but grin too.

"You excited?" He asked when she reached him and they started walking toward their local park. "Not really. I don't feel like getting injured today." "You'll be fine, I promise. You're in good hands."

She looked at him skeptically and asked, "Am I? Am I really?" "Shut up," he said while playfully shoving her. "Never. Anyway, if I die, you have to promise that you'll buy me a slurpee." "One, you're not going to die. Two, fine. I'll even throw in some Starbursts." "I love you." "I know you do. Now, let's do some skating," he said as they arrived at the park.

She stopped dead in her tracks then said, "Don't be rude. I will not be doing anything until you say it back." "Oh, come on. It's not that serious." She gave him an intense glare which made him sigh. He walked toward her until there wasn't much space between them. "I love you too, baby." She grinned as she felt butterflies in her stomach, then said, "Thank you. Now let's go."

He placed his arm around her shoulder and they walked to where he would be teaching her how to skate. They spent hours doing all sorts of tricks, but the moment that she was waiting for arrived.

She misplaced her foot as she was riding, which resulted in her slipping and falling. He ran over to her and immediately helped her. Her hands and arms were scraped and bleeding, but luckily, he had a first aid kit in his backpack. He cleaned her cuts and bandaged them, which made her very appreciative of the fact that he was there.

Once he finished, he put everything away, turned to look at her, then asked, "So, do you want to keep going?" She gave him a look that said, "Are you dumb?" He chuckled then said, "I'll take that as a 'no.' Well, are you good enough to get a slurpee and Starbursts?" "Of course." "Sweet. Come on."

They stood up, grabbed their things, then started walking to their local 7-Eleven. As they walked, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, which made her smile. They eventually reached their destination, and they immediately went over to the slurpee machines.

They bought their slurpees and some snacks, including Starbursts, then sat on the curb to the side of the store. They just sat, ate and talked until they ran out of food. Once they did, they threw away their trash, then he walked her home.

Once they reached her driveway, she turned to him and said, "Hey, thank you. I had fun and I'm glad you kept your promise." He chuckled then said, "No problem. I'm sorry about your cuts." "Don't sweat it. It's not like you could've knocked some sense into my brainless feet." They laughed, and once they settled, he said, "Alright well, I'll see you soon?" "Maybe. I can't say my mom will let me leave the house again after coming home with a ton of bandages on my arms." "Damn." "Yeah."

They chuckled at each other, then she pulled him into a hug. "I'll talk to you later," she whispered into his ear before letting go. He winked at her and they started going their separate ways. He walked back to his house, and she walked into hers. They ended up calling each other later that night, and spent the rest of the night doing all sorts of things, but most importantly, enjoying each other's company.
—————————————————————-hey besties!! this has to be my favorite story bruh, i love it so much, and i hope you do too :) anyway, i took my ap gov exam and y'all, pray for me. i didn't even use like 50% of my effort on it, so let's hope i at least got a 3. thankfully, the school year is almost over and i can finally feel happiness again. LMAO, anyway, i hope you all have a beautiful day and read an actual book (no, wattpad does not count)!

- a tired mf, joyce <3 (it's friday and i'm not here for it y'all, i want to sleep)

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