dream forty-four

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          It's Definitely a Good Morning

She woke up confused. She was supposed to wake up with arms wrapped around her waist, or at least feeling the warmth of her boyfriend's body next to her. However, she woke up alone. She sat up and rubbed the sleep off her eyes before searching for the idiot she calls her boyfriend.

Her first thought was to check the bathroom, but that changed once she opened their bedroom door. The smells of breakfast food hit her like a truck. Within moments, she identified that someone cooked bacon and pancakes. A smile spread across her face as she made her way downstairs.

When she reached the kitchen, she could not believe what she saw. Her boyfriend had his back turned to her as he was facing the stove. She stared at his shirtless back for a little too long, watching his back muscles flex as he moved. She also took note of his bedhead and their matching pajamas.

She quietly made her way toward him. When she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, placing her chin on his shoulder. "Good morning," she said softly. "Morning, love. You weren't supposed to be up yet." She gave him a look of confusion as she asked, "Why is that?" "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed," he said with a cute frown.

She kissed his cheek before saying, "Sorry, homie. I can go back to bed and act surprised if you want." "I hate you," he chuckled. "I'm trying to make you feel better and this is what I get? This is why I don't try to be nice," she said, shaking her head. "My bad. I appreciate the sentiment," he said, grinning at her.

"Thank you. Now, what are you cooking?" "Pancakes, your favorite." "You know me too well." "Of course." "I love you." "I love you more." "It's too early to start one of those cheesy arguments on who loves who more." "You are absolutely right." He kissed her forehead before turning his attention toward the food. She sighed contently before placing her head on his back, clinging onto him as he cooked.

After some time, he finished cooking and prepared their plates. She eventually let go of him to open the blinds in the living room. Just as she finished, he walked in with their plates. He handed hers to her and they immediately got in position. They sat in a comfortable silence, eating and enjoying each other's company as the world around them woke up.
—————————————————————-lmao hey! i can't believe i haven't written anything in two months, but i'm alive!! life and school have me swamped and i had insane writers block, but i was recently inspired lmaooo. i usually update y'all on what i'm watching and who i'm obsessed with, so let me do that. at the moment, i'm not obsessed with anyone :( but, i'm currently watching one of us is lying on peacock, american vandal and neo yokio, which are both on netflix. it's a very interesting mix but i'm having a great time. i highly highly highly recommend watching clickbait on netflix, it's so freaking good. but yeah, i hope you're all doing doing swell and starting to enjoy the holidays! i cannot promise that i'll be writing more often because life can't chill on me, but i'll try :) i hope you all have an amazing day and happy holidays!

- lots of love, joyce <3

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