dream thirty-eight

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It was a beautiful Wednesday and she woke up in a good mood, so she decided to do something nice for someone.

As she walked to her next class, she texted her boyfriend, "hey, you busy today?" He responded seconds later, saying, "nope, why?" She smiled then texted him, "let me take you out to lunch. i'll pick you up after my next class :)." "bet <3," was all he said before her class started.

An hour later, she walked out of the classroom. As she walked to her car, she texted her boyfriend, "i just got out, i'll be at yours in 15." He liked the message and she drove to his apartment building. Once she got there, she parked in front of the entrance and texted him. A couple minutes later, the passenger door opened and he climbed into her car.

Once he got himself situated, he turned to her and said, "Hey." "Hi." "So, what are your plans?" "Well, I was thinking we could get Chipotle because I want a burrito, then we could eat in my car and listen to music." "Alright, I'm down with that."

Before she started driving again, she took the aux cord out of her phone and held it out to him. He looked at her surprised and asked, "You're letting me have the aux?" She chuckled, then said, "Yeah. I'm treating you today, baby." "Oh, okay," he said as he grabbed the cord. Once music started playing throughout the car, she drove off to the nearest Chipotle.

Out of nowhere, she placed her hand on his thigh, which made him jump. She smirked, then asked,"You good?" "Yeah, that was just unexpected." "Well, I'm just treating you how you treat me." "Oh, I see. Now I understand why you react the way you do." She laughed, gave his thigh a squeeze, then returned her attention to the road.

Minutes later, they arrived. They went in, ordered their food, and she paid. When they returned to her car, they sat in the backseat, put some music on, and ate. They talked for a little while before she checked the time.

She slightly frowned before saying, "I was thinking of getting boba for dessert, but my next class starts in a little while, so we can't exactly have it together. So, I guess it'll be my little goodbye gift." "Hey, it's cool. I'll appreciate it either way," he said before kissing her forehead.

She smiled, before he started gathering their trash and saying, "I'll throw everything away then we can go." She nodded before they both opened the doors to their side. She went into the driver's seat and he went to throw away their trash.

Once he got back into the passenger's seat, he took the aux once again, and they headed to their favorite boba place. They ordered their usual drinks, she paid, then they headed to his apartment.

When they got to the building, she parked, then turned to him and said, "Let me walk you to your place." He smirked before asking, "Oh, so you're stealing all my moves?" "I guess so," she said, smirking as well. He nodded approvingly before they got out of the car and headed to his apartment.

Once they reached his door, he turned to her, expecting them to say their goodbyes. She shook her head as she said, "Open the door. I need to see that you got in safely." "You're really stealing every single one of my moves, huh?" "What can I say? I learned from the best." He sighed before unlocking the door and taking a step in.

"Thank you," she said as she pulled him into a hug. He rolled his eyes before saying, "Thank you for today, my love. I really appreciate it." "No problem. You deserve to be treated like the princess you are," she said before pulling away from the hug a little and kissing his forehead.

He shook his head and laughed before kissing her. Moments later, they pulled away from each other with the goofiest smiles on their faces. "I'll talk to you later," she said as she slowly started to leave. "Alright, darling." "Shut up." They laughed before she walked back to her car, happy that she got to treat her boyfriend.
—————————————————————hey besties! sorry for not updating in over a week, i have no motivation to write lmaooo. i whipped this up real quick, and i hope y'all like it! i start summer school today, so i honestly wrote this to pass the time until then haha. anyway, i watched season two of love, victor and it was pretty decent. the writing got better and rahim is fine, but i didn't say that. also, i'm currently on a boy meets world break because i got to my absolute least favorite episode (season 6, episode 7), and it's going to take a lot out of me to watch it oop. but yeah, i hope you're all having an amazing summer/winter (shoutout to my southern hemisphere homies) and stay safe!

lots of love, joyce <3

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