dream thirty-one

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                    Unexpected Kisses

She fell for her best friend, but he fell for someone else. She pushed her feelings aside because of that, and all she wanted was for him to be happy.

Things were getting more difficult for her as he talked about his crush and their weird relationship. She was tired of hearing about them making out in secret places. She was tired of hearing about the arguments they had. She knew she could treat him better, but he was set on someone else.

She decided that the best thing for her to do was to distance herself from him. She started volunteering more and joining more clubs so that she had an excuse to see him less and hear less about her. She felt bad, but it was for the best.

One Saturday, she had volunteered to help set up for an event her school was hosting. After hours of hard work, she decided to take a break and wander the halls. As she walked toward a staircase, she noticed someone sitting on one of the stairs. They turned to look in her direction at the sound of her footsteps. She forced a smile when she realized it was him, and he smiled too.

She walked up to him and sat next to him. They made eye contact and she said, "Hey, what are you doing here?" "I got detention and I'm being forced to clean graffiti in the bathrooms." "Oh, gross. Well, what are you doing out here?" "I was partnered up with my crush and we got into another argument. I broke things off with her and now we're here."

"Damn. Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm just mad that she treated me the way she did, you know?" "Well, you deserve so much better, dude. You're a great person and you deserve the world." He looked at her with hope in his eyes and softly asked, "You mean that?" She smiled at him and replied, "Yeah, I really do." He smiled back at her, and they looked into each other's eyes.

She didn't know what possessed her, but she placed her hands on his face and kissed him. Within moments, he wrapped his arms around her waist and did the same. They held each other and kissed for a while, feeling all their emotions pour into each other.

Eventually, they pulled away and just stared at each other. He smiled before saying, "Wow." She smiled too, extremely happy that that didn't backfire. "I should probably go," she said, sliding away from him a bit. "Yeah, me too. I'll call you when I get home." "Alright, cool," she said as she stood up. He followed suit, and they both walked down the stairs.

As they walked in opposite directions, she turned around and said, "Hey." He turned around swiftly, looking at her with curiosity. She smiled then said, "I really like you. Also, I swear I'll treat you way better than she did." He smiled as well and said, "I hope so. I wouldn't want my best friend to break my heart." "I wouldn't want that either." They turned around and headed to their previous commitments. They weren't able to wipe the smiles off their faces for the rest of the night, happy that things worked out for the best.
—————————————————————hey!!! i was going to post this yesterday, but i was so distracted lmaooo. anyway, this is based off of a daydream i had haha. off topic, but my family is going to a picnic/concert type thing today and i have no idea what to expect. also, i have an assignment due tonight for ap gov and i haven't started it :) but yeah, i hope you enjoyed this! have an amazing day and eat some fruits and vegetables!

- a hungry mf, joyce <3 (currently making pizza bagels and they are taking forever)

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