dream twenty-nine

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Tale as Old as Time

She fell for her best friend. Yes, a tale as old as time. Little did she know, he fell for her too. Everyone around them knew they had the biggest crushes on each other, but they had no clue.

One day during lunch, she dragged one of her other guy friends away from the group just to rant about how much she liked him.

A couple days later, her guy best friend got a facetime call from that same friend. "What's up?" He asked once he answered. "I think you should ask her out." "Bro, what? Why?" "She has a big crush on someone and you never know when she'll become taken. Just shoot your shot." "Are you sure?" "Absolutely." "Alright, I'm calling her." "No! You can't confess over the phone." "I'm not going to, dumb*ss. I'm calling her to see if I can come over." "Oh. Smart man." "Yeah, unlike you." "Damn." "Tough. Anyway, I'll catch you later." "You better tell me everything." "I will, I will."

He hung and immediately called her. "Sup," she said once she accepted the call. "Hey, can I come over?" "Like right now?" "Yeah." "Why?" "I just really want to hangout." "Alright, I guess. You can come over." "Sweet, I'll be there in fifteen," he said with a grin, which she returned. "Bet, see you soon." "Adios," he said before hanging up. He grabbed what he needed, then drove to her house.

Once he reached her place, he was let in by her little brother. He ran up the stairs to her room, then knocked on her door. "Come in," she yelled from the other side of the door. He opened the door, and when she looked up from her laptop to see him, she said, "Oh, you're here. Why didn't you text me or something?" "I knew you wouldn't want to get out of bed," he chuckled. "You know me so well," she said, chuckling.

He closed the door after stepping into the room, took off his shoes, then jumped onto her bed. When he landed, he sat up next to her and they made eye contact. "I told you to stop jumping near me. You're going to kill me, I swear." "You're still alive, right? Exactly," he said with a goofy smile on his face. "I hate you," she said with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." They started talking about all sorts of random things.

Out of nowhere, he asked her a question. "Do you like him?" He asked, referring to their other guy friend. "What? No. Why would you think that?" She said, laughing. "I don't know. You guys are just really close and I saw you dragging him away a couple days ago." "We were just talking about something private. He's cool, but I don't like him." "So, who do you like?" "I'm not telling you." "If I tell you my crush, will you tell me yours?" "Maybe." "Dude." "Fine, I'll do it if you do it first." "Alright well, I have a crush on you," he said awkwardly.

Her eyes went wide and she said, "What?" "I have a crush on you," he chuckled. "Oh wow." "Well, your turn." "You know what's so crazy? I have a crush on you." He grinned and said, "Really? You're not lying to me?" "I swear on my Yeezys that I'm telling the truth." "That's crazy." "Indeed." "So, where are we going from here?"

They discussed where they wanted their relationship to go and decided to take things slow. They spent the rest of the night hanging out in her room, happy that that didn't backfire.
—————————————————————hi! i don't know if i like this lmao but i hope you do :) now, for my off topic thoughts. i watched concrete cowboy yesterday and i think it's a beautiful movie fr. caleb mclaughlin looked mighty fine and his acting was spectacular. thank you. anyway, i'm about to go to a guest speaker event at my school haha. this lady works at amazon as a software engineer, which is really cool. i'm kinda anxious because i hate zoom calls but i'm excited!!! but yeah, i hope you all have a fantastic day and take a nap! they're great!

- a very busy and sore homie, joyce <3 (my sister is making me do chloe ting with her smh)

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