D7 Male - Miles Wilson - Task 3 [Team Quirky]

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Miles smiled, feeling elated at their small victory. Every victory no matter how small meant a step closer to seeing their loved ones again. They moved into a white walled hallway lined with doors. Suddenly peacekeepers jumped out from everywhere and tackled him and his allies. Miles struggled trying to see what was happening to the others. Were they okay? What was happening? One of the doors opened and he was pushed inside. He was in a small room divided in two by a large table of food and drinks.

The peacekeepers let go of him and made their way back out the door. On his way one of them bumped into him pressing something cold in his hand before slamming the door shut behind him. Miles rattled the door handle. Locked. It had been a foolish thought but he had to try. He raised his hand to look at what the peacekeeper had given him. He gasped as the door on the other side of the room opened. He held in his hand a dagger. A small and extremely sharp hunting knife. He quickly tucked it in the folds of his clothes as Occisora Crudelis entered the room.

“Mr. Wilson,” she said taking a seat at the table, “is the cut on your arm all healed up? Have a drink.”

She gestured to the table in front of her. She crossed her legs and smiled as Miles took a seat. He helped himself to a glass of water and a pastry. She smiled at him as if waiting for him to say something. When he didn't she continued, “You and Missy seem to be quite close.” She paused a moment to see his reaction. He concentrated on eating his pastry and not looking at her radiant presence.

“How beautiful young love is and I do really like a good love triangle.” At this Miles could not help but look up confused.

“I wonder if you know how Howey feels about you. I mean no normal friend would have such a breakdown when their friend enters the Games.” She smiled wickedly, “He needs you.” She said in a mocking tone.

“I'm not sure I know what you mean Miss Crudelis,” Miles said, around his mouthful of pastry.

“It's Ms Crudelis, actually,” She murmured.

“What's the difference?” he asked. She mumbled something along the lines of 'peasant' before answering. “Mrs indicated a woman is married. When she is married she becomes the property of her husband. Mrs means Mr's as is belongs to Mr. When a woman is a Miss she is not married and still belongs to her father. I am Ms because I belong to no one.”

“Are you married, Ms Crudelis?” Miles asked, Mocking the Ms.

“I don't believe that is any of your business,” She said, coldly.

“Then I don't believe my life is any of your business,” Miles said, coolly choosing another delicacy. She clenched her jaw for a moment and continued as if he had not said anything, “Of course Howey knows about you and his sister so he would never tell you. Oh, well, I'm sure he will get over you soon enough.” She shot him a deadly stare, “and Missy will find a new lover soon enough. And then there is young Sally.”

Miles clutched the knife under the table. He could not loose control. For the sake of his friends. This was a test and he would not fail. He smiled to himself as he thought about what Rodney would say if he let this woman go. Occisora did not look pleased.

“Your baby sister. All these people to love,” an ugly grin passed over her otherwise flawless features, “accidents, however, happen every day. It would not take much for a tree to fall in the wrong place. Or a branch to break at the wrong time.”

Miles could feel his blood start to boil. The Capitol was powerful. He had never thought about 'accidents' being part of their evil plans to keep them under their thumb. He swallowed hard and did his best to tell her words roll off his back.

“Oh my, How tragic that would be.” she said, in a voice as sweet as honey. She stood leaning toward him both her hands flat on the table. She made such an easy target right now. She would be taken too much by surprise to react in time if he sprung at her now. He slowly chewed a piece of toast and poured himself a glass of juice.

“Don't cross me Mr. Wilson I may not be able to make you pay for it but I always collect the debts I am owed.” she threatened.

“Do you mind if I take some of these with me?” He asked, sensing the end of their little chat.

“Take care Mr. Wilson.” She said, turning on her heel and exiting the room. He smiled, proud of himself and filled his pockets with food.

The door behind him slammed open with a bang as three peacekeepers stormed in. He did not resist as they took his arms and led him into a side room.

“choose three,” One of the men barked. He was in a room filled with weapons.He gazed at it eyes wide. He selected a small axe. A selection of throwing knives and a knife like thing somewhere between a dagger and sword. He was fitting these things to his belt when he felt an prick in his shoulder and the world went dark.

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