D9 Female - Octavia Kingston [_Blackcat_13]

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Name: Octavia Kingston

Age: 17

Gender: Female

District: 9

Reaped Or Volunteered: Octavia was reaped, and was very shocked. She had never been allowed to take the tessarae. The world seemed to stop and Octavia couldn't even feel herself breathing until the peacekeepers pulled her onto the stage.

Appearance: Octavia is tall for a girl at about 5'8". She has raven black hair that falls to her waist in loose curls, when down. Octavia normally wears her up in aa ponytail, as she works out in the grain feilds most of the year. She has some light muscle build, and her skin is a light golden tone from being outside so much. Her green eyes are bright and piercing, framed by long lashes.

Personality: Octavia is a kind and caring soul, always trying to help others no matter what. Though kind, Octavia will stand up for herself and others if that's what she thinks is right. She can be a bit headstrong and is very solid in her opinion of the games and the Capitol. She voices her concerns quite a bit, not thinking about before she speaks.

Character work well in a group: Octavia works very well in a group, as out in the grain fields they work in groups to do certain things. She was usually the "leader" of her group, being as she knows how to take charge, but knows also to listen to her teammates.

Character Trustworthy? Does she trust easily?: Octavia is a very trustworthy person. She has also been honest and done as she's promised. She does not usually trust someone right away, as she knows not everyone is who they say they are.

Weapon: Octavia prefers a sickle, but anything like a scythe or knife is fine.

Strengths: Octavia knows a lot about plants, as she study them continiously in her free time. She is able to climb pretty easily, and is able to read people's emotions and thoughts by watching them. She is also good at hand to hand combat.

Weaknesses: Octavia wants to help everyone, if she can. She beleives showing someone kindness can make them a better person eventually. Octavia is not the best swimmer. Her habit of speaking before she speaks can get her into trouble.

Family and Friends: Octavia is an only child, as her only other sibling had been reaped and killed in the games when she was about five years old. Her mother is tall like Octavia, and Octavia gets her beauty and kindness from her mother. Octavia's father is also kind, but not like Octavia or her mother. Her father is very opionated as well, having passed his dislike for the games onto his daughter. Octavia has many friends, but only is really close to two. Demetria Harrison, and her twin brother Bellamy Harrison. Demetria is exactly like Octavia, continiously helping people, making her opinion known. Bellamy is careful about what he says, only saying what he really thinks when with Octavia and Demetria. He goes with the two girls whereever to make sure they don't get in trouble or hurt.

Person of Most Importance: Why?: Bellamy is probably of most importance to Octavia. As she has fallen hard for him, although she has not made her feelings known. She plans to if she comes back from the games.

Token: Octavia's token is a golden necklace with a raven pendant. Her family and friends worked together to get it for her.

 Occisora: "Remember Kindness is weakness. You are kind to all which means people will take advantage of this. I would easily have over looked you and you do not leave an impression on me. I care little about your fate. This does not have to be a bad thing perse, this also means I will not actively try to kill you."

 Bonus task:

"Bellamy, stop it." Octavia giggled as Bellamy tickled her. It was the first day of the harvest, and they were eating lunch. Bellamy just laughed, his pale blue eyes glinting with mischief.
  "If I don't, what are you going to do?" He says laughing. Octavia pushes him onto his back, pinning his arms down.
"Looks like she has you brother." Demetria teases. She watched in amusement as her best friend and twin mess around.
"I don't think so." Bellamy says, flipping Octavia over on her back and pinning her arms down. "Still can't keep me down." The bell rung signaling it was time to get back to work.
"Cone on you two lovebirds." Demetria teased. They let go of each other quickly and both of them blushed. Demetria smirked, everyone else could see it. The two were in love with each other, but neither would tell the other. 
Octavia stood up first, pulling her black hair back into it's usual ponytail.  She helped pack the  remaining scraps of food. The three always saved part of thier meals and took them after the day was to a family who had trouble keeping food on the table.
The bell rang once more letting them know they needed to get back to work right now. They met up with the others from thier harvest group and continued to the fields.
"Just a few more hours everyone and we're done for the day." She says.
"Until tomorrow." Susana mumbles.
"We have gone way past our quota for the day." Octavia says, slicing away at the stalks. "Everyone helps with the harvest, but the sick. Even the little ones help."
"It isn't fair, we finish our tasks and have to takeover part of another group's tasks." Susana says, her hazel eyes were filled with anger. No one understood why she was complaining. The better worker you were, the less the peacekeepers and overseers payed any attention to you. Not to mention at the end of everyday whichever group had gathered the most, was given extra food or a coin or two. Octavia's group was always way ahead, she was a good leader and made sure everyone understood thier tasks.
"You can always go to another group Susana, but I'm sure you're parents would be upset. " Bellamy snaps before Octavia can reply. "They've been depending on the coins and extra food. Been easier for them to put stuff away for the winter. You'd have to explain to them that you didn't want to do your part."
"Bellamy." Octavia and Demetria warns at the sametime. Everyone fell silent as the three stared down. Bellamy didn't usually say things like that unless he had been angered.
A few hours later, just as the sun was setting Bellamy, octavia, and Demetria walked to the Donnings. Mrs. Donnings, a short women compared to the three of them. She had short thin red hair, and brown kind eyes.
"You all are so wonderful." She says, as she takes the food and a few coins. A little girl with red hair comes running out, giggling.
"Bellamy." She giggles, jumping into his arms.
"How's my Little Ruby?" He asks, spinning her around. Little Ruby as Bellamy called her, was the youngest of the seven Donnings children. She had taken an instant liking to Bellamy.
"Come on Ruby." Mrs. Donnings says, "I'm sure these three are tired, after working all day in the fields."
"You behave." Bellamy says, setting Ruby down. "Once the harvest is done I'll come visit for more than a few minutes." She nods, giggling as she runs back in the house.
"Bye Mrs. Donnings." Demetria says, as the three of them leave. Once they reached Octavia's place they sat on her doorstep. "You know it's only a few weeks til the reaping."
"I hate those dumb things. You can't go anywhere without seeing them on a screen." Octavia says.
"Octavia, careful what you say." Bellamy says, looking around.
"Oh please what are they going to do make sure my name gets reaped?" She asks rolling her eyes.
"She's right Bellamy. The games are horrible." Demetria says.
"I agree, you know that. You never who is listening or watching us." Bellamy says.
"This is our last year. None of us have ever taken the tessarae. We are the only three not allowed." Octavia says.
"Yes, but we all know the power the Capitol has." Demetria says. "What would happen if one of us were reaped?"
"We have an oath to keep." Octavia says, her green eyes staring intently at the sky. Bellamy and Demetria looked at each other. Thier oath to help keep their families fed and to continue helping the families they tried to help.
"Octavia, if you were reaped, you're parents would go mad." Demetria says.
"Demetria if I am reaped you are not to volunteer for me. I mean it." She says a bit harshly. "I think it's time I go in, I'm beat." Octavia stood up and walked inside her house. That night she had was awoken by nightmares of being reaped and Demetria taking her place.

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