Scores!! and Answers

42 3 5

Tobias Haycraft. Very well written I could find no mistakes in grammar or spelling! 11 (9.5/12) {I am awarding you half a point for question 8 because the reasoning was correct but you mixed up the facts.}

Seaver Parish. very, very good. I am curious about what happened to Cain that separated them for so long. 9 (12/12)

Amabel Trython. It's good, a bit short but good. There are a few mistaked though. 8 (10/12)

Miles Wilson. I Like it. It is very short but itś good. 8 (12/12)

The Answers

1. what sound alerts people to Occisora's approach? The clicking sound of her heels

2. What is in the before mentioned box? (there is no literal box but if you are smart you will know the answer) A broken glass

3. What did Occisora give to the families of the Tributes to take home with them? A personal letter, the leftovers from the feast and a trunk of supplies

4. What colour dress did Occisora wear to the feast? Pink

5. What is Occisora's preferred colour dress? Silver

6. Who, according to Occisora, is the puppet master? President Snow

7. When do you call a woman Mrs when Ms and when Miss? (the answer can be found in TeamQuirky's entry) A married woman is Mrs. prperty of her husband, When a woman (or girl) is unmarried she is Miss and belongs to her father when a woamn does not want to belong to anyone or does not want to share if she is married or not she is Ms.

8. Does Occisora like to be called Mrs, Ms or Miss? (the answer can be found in TeamQuirky's entry) Ms. Because she does not belong to any one

9. What is the meaning of Morus Fortibus (or Fortis)? (the answer is implied in his description) Morus means foolish, Fortibus means brave

10. What does Occisor Crudelis mean? (you can guess from her personality or use google) Occisor means murderer, Crudelis means cruel

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