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1. No vote begging. This I think says enough. Just so you know comments like "Aww I have no votes and would really love to stay in the games if only someone would vote for me" I consider to be vote begging. you CAN say something along the lines of "Aww I am really enjoying these games shame I have so little votes." Learn the difference. I will give you two warnings about this after that you are out.

2. Be nice. If you are rude or mean you are out! I might consider letting you back in if you write a sincere apology or didn't realise you were being mean but then that will be your first and only warning.

3. You may have more than one Tribute. They must be from different districts and only one can be a girl.

4. Please be on time. I will not punish you if you are not because I know people have lives outside wattpad but it would make everything so much easier if you were on time. However at some point I will need the entries so I will send you a message if I do not get a response within twenty-four hours you will be in trouble.

5. Be realistic. Be Bold. There will be no long lost siblings from other Districts. Be original!

6. Tribute spots are reserved for 2 days unless no one shows interest for that spot.

7. I am God! Not really but what I say goes. You may ask why you may defend yourself but you will not complain or bagger me. and respect my decisions.

8. If you have a question about anything ask, please.

if you have read and understand the rules you may enter. If you do not follow the rules I have the right to eliminate you, as I said I am god.

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