Reservations and Form

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You may reserve for 2 days. write in the comments which spot you would like to reserve.

District 1:

Male: Jet Flash [ScarlettDragone]

Female: Axis Rose [awritersdisguise]

District 2:

Male: Haeden Pierce [FrankieWritesBooks] Dropped out

Female: Erin Jones [theoriginalsfanfic] Dropped out

District 3:

Male: Jay Calder [Immortal-Lies]

Female: Ki Jepto [ScarlettDragone]

District 4:

Male: Eugene Weiss [-LovelyButterfly-]

Female: Amabel Trython [AwesoMEbeing_]

District 5:

Male: Lumen Wye [SoupForBrains]

Female: Cynthia Jackson [FrankieWritesBooks] Dropped out

District 6:

Male: Vulcan Shrine [cardshark07]

Female: Raelene Versille [FlaxFlame]

District 7:

Male: Miles Wilson [TeamQuirky]

Female: Florence Cicamore [redtipedrose]

District 8:

Male: Jasper Flint [_Blackcat_13]

Female: Eileen Fletcher [-LovelyButterfly-]

District 9:


Female: Octavia Kingston [_Blackcat_13]

District 10:

Male: Tobias James Haycraft [unobtrusive-]

Female: Mira Matthews [trix463]

District 11:

Male: Darren Bailey [awritersdisguise]

Female: Evelyn (Eve) Jenson [Mormon4life]

District 12:

Male: Michael Jameson [Megamike42]

Female: Seaver Parish [AnonymousRice4]


Please PM me the following form.


Age [12-18]:



Reaped or volunteered [add description of the event reactions/reasons]:

Appearance [if you really want to you can put a celeb look-a-like here but I prefer a desciption.]:

Personality [be creative! tell us a story]:

Does your character work well in groups/teams? [do not just answer yes or no tell us about it]

Is your chacter trusting? [does (s)he trust people quikly?]

Weapon of choice:

Strengths [3-5]:

Weaknesses [4-6]:

Family and friends [describe them and tell us why and how you became friends]:

person of most importance [and why]:



I will add a comment from Occisora but again it is about your character not about you!

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