D4 Female - Amabel Trython [AwesoMEbeing_]

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Name: Amabel Trython

Age: 16

Gender: Female

District: 4

Reaped/Volunteered?: Volunteered. She pretty much wanted to prove to others that she's not a wimp.

Appearance: What people notice first about Amabel is her bangs, which covers half of her face most of the time. She has waist-length, messy blonde hair which she's so fond of twirling around her finger, and captivating eyes that's the same color as the ocean. She stands elegantly, yet walks briskly, as if someone were chasing her. Her skin is a bit tanned, though it's been a long while since she last went in for a swim. Amabel is quite pretty, if she just stopped hiding her face.

Personality: Amabel is more of the quiet type of girl. She keeps her thoughts to herself and doesn't like socializing with others. She also tends to assume people's personalities so she gives up socializing before she even tries. All her life she's been bullied. She's torn apart emotionally and mentally. Seems like she's just waiting for a chance to fight back . . .

Does your character work well in groups/teams?: No, not even in socializing.

Is your character trusting?: First impressions are important for her. If she doesn't like one thing about a person when she first meets them, there's a huge chance she won't trust them.

Weapon of choice: She's pretty good at tying knots and using the dagger.


- Physical strength brought by her training in the ocean

- She's good at swimming. She's better off in the water than on land.

- Knows a bit about medicine


- When in groups, she doesn't act without other people's consent even if it's really something important

- Inexperienced in groups

- Extremely gets disoriented when panicking or anxious

- Doesn't like hurting people or getting back at them

Family and friends:

- Mother, Annabeth Trython (deceased)

- Father, Dariel Trython (deceased)

Occisora: "it is the quiet one you need to look out for. I am curious to see how you do in the games. I have to admit you remind me of myself in some ways and I look forward to seeing you in action."

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