D2 Male -DROPPED OUT- Haeden Pierce [FrankieWritesBooks]

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Name: Haeden Pierce

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 2

Reaped/Volunteer: Haeden remembers it so well. He had volunteered for a boy his age named Griffin Black, and since he was excited to enter the Games, Haeden volunteered. He walked with bravery and pride as a small smirk appeared on his face.

Appearance: Haeden is a handsome teen. He has shaggy black hair, with his icy blue eyes. He is talk for his age, 5'10, and has tan skin. Haeden has an average body, and he also has a few freckles around his nose and cheeks. He usually smiles a lot, always cracking a joke, but you never know if his looks could be deceiving. He might be planning a small little trap.

Personality: Haeden is a very friendly person, and loves to make people laugh, especially his friends. He is a very sweet guy, always looking out for his friends. But, when he's at the academy, training, he becomes a ruthless, feisty, brutal, and fierce person, not afraid to put a fight up, even if it's a life death situation.

Does your character work well in groups: It depends. If Haeden is in a group with people like him, then he doesn't struggle to listen to his fellow allies. But if he's in a group of a bunch of weaklings, then he more likely try to slow them down in any possible way.

Is your character trusting: Haeden may seem trusting, but you never know. He can't trust people easily, and you can't trust him either. Not at all.

Weapon of choice: Haeden usually uses his tactic up sneaking up on someone when their off guard, and tackles them, usually ending them with his dagger or a spear if he's far away from you.

Strengths: 1) Lies. Haeden usually is a very deceiving person, and is very good at telling lies. He also knows when people lie, so he more likely will attack you if you lie to him. 2) Strength. Since Haeden is from District 2, he's good at battle tactics. When he's in a battle, even in a life and death situation, he always expects to leave the battle out alive, even if it means sacrifices. 3)Looks. Since Haeden seems like a handsome man, he can sometimes tricks people, especially girls, that he's an innocent person. Wrong, he more likely will target them.

Weaknesses: 1) Sweetness. Haeden sometimes can be tempted when he flirts with girls sometimes, and he can't force him myself to kill those girls, even if it's his only option. 2) Anger. When Haeden gets angry, or sometimes frustrated, he might want to hit something, more likely attack one of his allies, and you can't control him when he does this. 3) Family and Friends. If someone tried to attack Haeden, and then mention his family and friends, Haeden won't do his best at all because all the memories will view back to him, and he can't concentrate. He'll more likely die from the attack.

Family/Friends: Haeden has his mother and father, both who love him dearly. His mother spoils him a lot, always making sure her son is always happy. His father is proud that his son is one of the best fighters in the academy, and hopes that maybe he'll come home to be a victor. Haeden has a couple of friends too. He first met Josiah when he arrived at the academy on his first day. They both became buddies, and that's when another person joined their friendship. A girl named Mariah entered the academy, and was very serious about fighting. She became friends with the two boys, but she soon learned to give in to laughter. Haeden managed to ask Mariah out, and they both are a nice couple with their friend Josiah.

Person of most importance: Haeden can't live with himself if something horrible happens to Mariah, so he tries to protect Mariah whenever he can.

Token: Haeden's token is a small necklace with a heart charm, a spear charm, and a smiley face charm. Each token represents his friends and him, and he got it from his friends as a present.

Occisora: "I Like you, you show potential and are certainly a Tribute to look out for. You seem very strong physically but may want to work on how strong you are mentally. Family could mean your down fall. I expect you to do well in my games."

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