Deputy Head Gamesmaker - Morus Fortibus

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Name: Morus Fortibus

Age: 20

Gender: Male

From the Capitol.

Appearance: He has light brown hair that falls in curls on his forehead. He has golden-brown eyes which sparkle. He has a kind round face. He is average height and build with limbs and fingers that are slightly too long for his body. He doesn't care about is looks and holds himself with a casual confidence which makes him quite attractive to girls.

Personality: He is kind and soft. He is also quite brave but only in the way a fool is brave when he doesn't know what danger he is facing. He is foolish and not very smart.

Kind of Tributes she likes: he likes Tributes who play by the rules and do not betray others trust. He also has a soft spot for the underdogs.

History: He kind of just stumbled upon this job and was thrown into the ring when one of the other gamemakers died. He comes from a middle-clss Capitol family and has never had to worry about anything.

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