D6 Female - Raelene Versille [FlaxFlame]

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Name: Raelene Versille

Age: 14

Gender: Female

District: 6

Reaped/volunteered: Reaped. Very nervous at first, but she gradually realised whatever emotions she showed wouldn't affect the fact that she was to participate.

Appearance: Waist-length black hair with a few electric blue highlights, usually in a high ponytail. Large grey eyes. Quite short, just over 5 feet tall.

Personality: Warm and vibrant, enjoys chatting with others. Her directness can sometimes hurt others' feelings.

Work well in teams: Yes. Able to bond with others quickly and earn their trust, but can sometimes disappoint by not keeping her promises, sometimes by mistake. Also will rebel against boundaries set if they don't make sense to her.

Yes. But she only trusts people who treat her well.

Weapon of choice: Isn't good with weapons - at a disadvantage due to her being in District 6. This is why she chooses to work in teams, but give her a spanner and all your mechanical problems will be solved!

Strengths: Helpful, kind, trusting, creative.

Weaknesses: Insensitive, indecisive, can't keep secrets, can be rebellious.

Family: Her father was killed under a malfunctioning piece of machinery, so she only has her mother and her crippled younger brother, Ridley.

Most important person: Her brother. She's really close to him. She'd miss him the most if she went away.

Token: Heart-shaped locket - given to her by her mother just before she left.

Occisora: "I doubt you will survive for long. your kindness might make people reluctant to kill you but in the long run you are done for. I hope you are prepared to use everything at your advantage otherwise I will personally make sure you will not become our Victor."

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