D10 Female - Mira Matthews [trix463] Task 1

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I grab the comb from the table and swiped it through my long blonde hair, trying to untangle the knots. I pulled my hair back into a simple ponytail.

I then stood up and looked down at my worn blue dress if you can even call it blue. Most of the dress had lost its blue colour and looked more greyish white than blue. It  had been passed down from many children : the orphanage.

It was simple and plain, with no designs whatsoever. I sighed, wondering how lucky the people in the Capitol and the richer districts were. Especially the Capitol.

I heard rumours that at parties the Capitol people drank something to make them throw up so they could taste everything.

That was just.... so wasteful and inhumane. Here in poorer districts,we starve and not have any food to eat for a few days. On good days, we have to survive on one small piece of meat or bread.

What was even worse than the Capitol citizens was the most evil man in Panem,President Snow. He was cruel and mean. Firstly,he started these games, which destroyed hundreds of families and poisoned countless teens.

Secondly,he killed my parents. I know that every one thought it was an "accident" but I know it wasn't. My parents were secretly rebels and unfortunately, President Snow found out. He got people to stage an accident so my parents would die.

I hate him for that and I always will. I think I would also be a rebel if  Matthew didn't exist. I was scared that President Snow would find out if I rebeled  and would torture and kill Matthew. Thus,I didn't join any secret rebel societies. In my mind though,I was always a rebel.

"Hey Mira,"a voice said, jolting me from my thoughts. I spun around and say my best friend, Amy standing in the doorway.

Her aburn hair was plaited and was wearing a dress that was in an even worse condition than mine. The dress was supposed to be pink,  but turned greyish white and there were even holes in the dress.

"You got the best dress again,"Amy said, pouting. "Oh come on Amy, your dress is good too. I mean, come on, have you seen Julie's?"I replied.

"You bribed and sweetalked Mrs Higgins into giving the best dress didn't you?"Amy questioned, folding her arms. "Don't call it that Amy,I prefer to call it, giving Mrs Higgins a little push to liking me,"I replied, giving Amy a wink.

It was true though. I tried my best to get on Mrs Higgins,the orphanage owner's good books. I praised her continously for a month. Some people might find that despicable but I don't think so. Playing dirty and being smart is the only way to survive, especially in this era.

Rolling her eyes,Amy said,"However you phrase it, its still bad."

"Are you okay Amy?"I asked, sensing her nervousness. Sighing,Amy said,"I just have this sense of dread. I am so scared that I will be picked for the games."

She was trembling now. I pulled her towards me and gave her a tight hug. "Hey,hey, don't worry Amy if you are picked, I promise I will volunteer for you,"I replied."Really?"Amy asked, her face grateful. I nodded and said,"Yeah. If I go into the games, you can help to take care of Matthew right?"

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