D8 Male - Jasper Flint - Task 3 [_Blackcat_13]

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Jasper found himself being brought to a small brightly lit room. He had to squint when he'd first walked in until his eyes grew accustomed to the sudden brightness. He held the small hunting knife he'd been handed tightly, like he was afraid to let go of it.
  "Mr. Flint." Occisora stepped out of nowhere. Jasper searched for where she'd come from, but saw no sign of a door.
  "Where's Eileen and Octavia?" He asked.
  "They are both fine."  She replied, and Jasper notices the gamemaker looked pretty beat up.
  "Oh Jasper you have to come back." Occisora speaks in a mocking tone. "Promise me you'll come back."
  "Shut up!" Jasper snaps. How dare this woman mock Clarke, she was the reason he was in here.
  "Tell me Mr. Flint, did you ally with the two girls because they remind you of Clarke? To protect them like you do Clarke?" She asks airily.
  "That is none of your buisiness."
  "Oh, that is lovely." She laughs, "You want to protect them, to keep them safe. They are your weakness. Tell me why do you think you have to protect every girl you meet?"
  Jasper recalled a memory, five years back, the reason Jasper and Clarke had started talking to each other. It had been rainy and cold, Jasper and Finn were on thier way to sign up for the tessarae. A scream echoed from a side alley, the two boys had decided to see what was happening. Upon entering the alley, Finn and Jasper saw two boys a year or two older than them, smacking around Clarke.
  "We'll take this." One says, ripping a package from her hand.
  "Our family will enjoy this." The other laughs. Finn and Jasper didn't even speak to each other, as they knocked the two boys to the ground.  They beat them to a pulp, before helping Clarke up, and walking her home. After that night the three of them had been inseparable, no one messed with any of them and a year later Clarke and Jasper becoming a couple.
  "I have my reasons." Jasper says, through clenched teeth. "You know you are no better than me or the rest of us in the districts."
  "You be careful. You'll be breaking your promises."
  "If The President doesn't like the games, he'll make you disappear, kill you." He meets her gaze, "just like he does to anyone else. One wrong move you're gone. You and your family."
  "Why not have a drink?" She asks evenly, "Enjoy things while you can still?"
  "I think not." He says, he sets the knife down. "I don't think I'll be killing you either." He walks away from her, looking for a way out of the room.
  "Choose any three weapons." She sighs as peacekeepers come put with a selection of weapons. Jasper chooses two daggers and a small throwing knife, and his world goes black.

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