The Final Results!

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Morus let out a sigh of relief. It was over he chanced a glance at Occisora and saw, to his surprise, that she seemed disappointed.

"So, what did you think?" he asked, tentatively.

"I think it could have gone better," she murmured, sourly. She forced a smile.

"I guess it's time to crown our Victor."

"Shouldn't we do something with the Tributes loved ones?" Morus asked.

"What do you propose to do?" Occisora snapped, irritably.

"Give them our condolences and send them on their way home?" Morus whispered, uncertain. Occisora just looked at him expectantly for a moment.

"Well," She said, in a dangerous tone, "get on with it then."

Morus turned and hurried away all to glad to leave her. What was with her? There were time she seemed to be dripping in honey and sweet as a peach and times she seemed like a young and lively girl. Mostly she seemed to be an unfeeling robot whose sweetness barely concealed the venom under the surface. He was relieved the Games were over for this year and dreaded the next ones but in his heart of hearts he knew he would not want anyone else in his place. Next to Occisora Crudelis was the safest and most dangerous place to be.


The results:

So this was a hard one. All of you handed in such great work that I was happy I didn't have to do it on my own.

What I have done is this, the ranks you gave were transferred into points 1st place 5 points 2nd place 3 points and 3rd place 1 point.

Then I divided the points I had given through out the contest by 10 (rounding either up or down to a round number) and added the votes.

It sounds a lot more complicated than it is, trust me.

That's enough of that let's get on with the good stuff!


In 3rd place:

With a score of 49 which was dived by ten to 4.9 and rounded up to a 5.

9 votes and 14 from the finals which makes a total of 28 points, is



Amabel Trython!!

Now For the moment we've all been waiting for!!


But first, all of you did an AMAZING job and the scores were very close.


The person in 2nd place received 12 points in the finals, the person in 1st received 10 points. The person in 2nd had 13 votes while the person in 1st had 15 votes.


In 1st Place with a total of 31 Points is:


Tobias Haycraft!!

Seaver Parish comes in close 2nd With a total of 30 points!

Well done to everyone and I hope you continue with your wonderful writing skills!

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