The "New" Task 3: Shoot The Messenger

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 Occisora leaned back in her chair, smiling.

 “I think that went very well don't you?” she asked. A murmur of approval went through the room. Occisora rolled her eyes and sighed.

 “They are starting to trust each other. I think it's time to give them weapons.”

 “The arena you had built does not have room for a cornucopia,” Morus said, frowning at her.

 “I'm not going to make it that easy. The whole cornucopia thing is barbaric. They will be tested.”

 Morus leaned forward, interested, “How are you going to test them?” Occisora smiled, dangerously.

 “I'm going to dangle something they want in front of them.”

 “Something they want?” Morus looked confused.

 “Or rather, something they want to kill,” She murmured, “The person they want to kill most.”

 Everyone looked around at each other, nervously. A quiet chatter broke out. Occisora sat back and listened. Eventually they came to the conclusion Occisora was planning to endanger the president.

 “Although president Snow is hated by many people he has always made sure he is far away from the action. He is the man behind everything that happens. He is the puppet master. But usually anger is directed to the face of the wrong that has been done. Humans are prone to shoot the messenger especially when the master mind is out of reach.” Occisora said, when things had settled down.

 “What do you mean?” Morus asked.


 A tangible silence hung in the air.

 “I don't understand,” Morus whispered.

 “To them I am evil incarnate. I shall face them. I shall give them the chance to kill me.”

The task:

Right after the end of the second task Peacekeepers will come and take the Tributes into separate rooms. (in the arena) They are plain rooms with a table of refreshments and a single framed picture of the people your Tribute loves. As they enter given a small hunting knife. Occisora will enter the room. She will give you a personal speech (which I will write for you). There are two things you can do:

 You can choose to attack and kill Occisora after which peacekeepers will sedate you.


 You can choose to walk away. If you do you will get to get three weapons of your choice. After you make your choice you will also be sedated.

 Due date, January 25th 11pm GMT

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