D1 Male - Jet Flash [ScarlettDragone]

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Name: Jet Flash

Age: 15

Gender: Male

District: 1

Reaped or Volunteered: Jet was reaped. Here's the reaping ceremony from his type of view:

I held my breath as they pulled out the names. They do it the same way each year. They pick the names at the same time and annpunce them at the same time. If my sister is reaped, I would do anything to save her. I'd even force someone else to volunteer. They pulled out the names and announced:

"Jet Flash,

I froze in horror. In the back of my mind whispered a small voice.

"Well, at least it wasn't your sister."

Appearance: Green eyes, black hair, long legs, mesy hair. Usually wears black to blend into the night. Wears contacts. Usually wears a hoodie.

Personality: He's a very unemotional person. He only has feelings towards his sister. His parents abandoned them and he raised his sister single-handedly causing his hatred towards adults. He's a mysterious and quiet boy who can become aggressive if provoked. Other than that he has a short-temper towards people who annoy him and prefers not to put his life on the line for others. He's a loner in a pack.

Does your character work well with others?

No, he hates working with other people and preffers to be independent as his whole life was based on his independency. If he has to work in gorups, he does not order people around neither does he take orders. He does what he likes.

Is your character trusting?

No. Jet does not trust any one but his sister. He is great at staying silent but deadly. He would never put his life in someone's hands.

Weapon of choice: A Tomahawk (if it was allowed he would have had a pistol :P)


~Very fit, excels at sports.

~Always planning strategies in his head.

~Not afraid to attack people to threaten him.

~Good at hiding in the shadows.

~Excellent at surprise attacks.



~Can act rash.

~Not afraid to turn on his own team.

~Treats everything like a game.

~Will scarifice you if you annoy him considerably.

~Can go into a blood-frenzy/non-stop killing spree

Family and Friends: No friends, has a little sister called Evie who he loves dearly. No parents (they abandoned him and they went missing)

Person of Most Importance: Evie

Token: A ring Evie found and gave to him as a present ater she cleaned it up.

Occisora: "You are going to show me you are worthy of my Games. As of yet I am unimpressed. I like that you are independent and can take care of yourself but in these games you will need more than that. You are going to need others to help you win. On your own you will not survive. I will not be surprised if you manage to make it quite far in these games but if you cannot work together.... Need I say more?"

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