D3 Female - Ki Jepto [ScarlettDragone]

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Name: Ki Jepto

Age: 13

Gender: Female

District: District 3

Reaped or volunteered: Ki volunteered as she had no-one who cared for her. She lives on her own since her parents died when she was 10. Her boyfriend's family looks after her but he died in the last Hunger Games. Not many people were surprised at her volunteering.

Appearance: Purple eyes, white, straight hair with side braids that goes up to waist, short. Wears a purple cardigan and Mini-skirt. Always with tights underneath.

Personality: Ki suffered from severe depression which shaped her personality but before that, she had a mental problem she kept secret. Ki has a spit personality she keeps locked away but canlet it out if needed. Her other personality is ruthless, kills for fun and generally the devil itself. Other than that, Ki is usually trusting, friendly always smiling and protective. Ki is also very intelligent and logical. She plans ahead, is cunning and is very good at acting. She calls her other personality Eno.

Does your character work well in groups/teams?

Ki loves working with people and trusts them 100%. Well at least it seems like that. If she is in any danger she releases Eno and let's Eno run wild. Ki is usally the group leader as she has all the skills required.

Is your character trusting?

Ki uses her acting skills to make it seem like she trusts people all the way. Of course she doesn't but she is good at faking. If they break a promise, Eno persuades Ki to get revenge.

Weapon of choice: She usually uses a sycthe but prefers to have her two daggers.


~ She is cunning, clever, logical and is good at acting.

~ When she calls upon Eno she is nearly an invincible killing machine.

~ Her smile fills people with courage.

~ Her weapon skills are very good.

~ She's a trustworthy person.


~It's very easy to irritate Ki.

~If you mention her family Ki cries.

~Sometimes Eno can get out of control.

~If something doesn't go to plan, Ki is out of action for a few valuable minutes.

~Ki hates being in imodest clothing.

Family and Friends: Her parents died when she was 10. After that her boyfriend helped her and his family unwillingly took her in. One year he was reaped and no one else volunteered on his behalf. He died.

Person of most importance: She has no-one so she is happy with other people.

Token: A dragon ring she found on her 13th birthday.

Occisora: "I must say, Ki, you underwhelm me I might like this Eno you have locked away but other wise I and I think the rest of the world will not care if you die."

Ki: "I know the rest of the world would care not if I was dead or part of the living. That is why I fight, I fight for the right."

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