D10 Female - Mira Matthews [trix463]

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Name:Mira Matthews



Volunteer or reaped?:Volunteered.

I stood there, trembling as I heard Amy's name being called. I hear some crying and realise it is Amy. "I volunteer!"I scream and run up to the stage.

Appearance:Long blonde hair and blue eyes,has a slim figure and is tall.


Personality: Smart, observant and protective.She is usually nice but if you try to hurt her friends, she will turn very nasty. She acts nice to everyone and you probably would not notice her observing you.

Does your character work well in groups?:Yes, she works well in smaller groups but not so much of bigger groups.

Is your character trusting?:No, she is not. She is very careful and observes you for a while before she decides to trust you.

Weapon/weapons of choice: Throwing stars and knives

Strengths:Careful, Smart, good at acting and fast

Weaknesses: She sometimes looks too much into a matter. She is not a risk taker and will miss up on chances.She will try her best to get back to Matthew-which means she will kill.She is quite cowardly and prefers to hide and sneak attack then have a direct confrontation.

Family/friends:Her best friend Amy and her younger brother Matthew. She met Amy at the orphanage and found that they similar intrests. Soon, they became best friends.

Person of most importance: Matthew. He is the last member of her family left as their parents had been killed in an accident.

District token(If you have one):A small keychain Matthew had made for her.

Occisora: "Being trusting can be the greatest weakness of all especially in my Games. Observing is the key to survival so I am confident you will be able to survive. But being able to do something and doing it are two very different things."

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