D11 Male - Darren Bailey [awritersdisguise]

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Name: Darren Bailey

Age: 12

Gender: Male

District 11

( hope I did this right) Reaped or Volunteered: He volunteered because, as one of 5 kids, money was tight. He thought that, if he won, his family would be happier. And even if he lost there would be less mouths to feed.

Appearance: African-American, tall for his age about 5'7", curly dark brown hair in a buzz cut and milky brown eyes

Personality: (I did a story)

Looking up at the sun from my spot in the corn fields I gave out a loud yell, 5 o'clock was quitting time. Smiling at my older brother as we walked through the maze of fields back home.

"Looks like cowboy stew tonight," I chirped.

"That's all we've had for the past week, of course it looks like cowboy stew."

"Any food's good food!" I replied being ever the optimist.

"One day that's gonna bite you in the but."

Does your character work well in groups or teams?: Having worked in the fields almost his whole life Darren is good at cooperating with a small number of people for a short period of time. More than 3 people on a team would be harder for him but 1 or 2 other people would work the best.

Is your character trusting: Darren is considered slightly introverted and cautious but wouldn't have an issue with trusting someone he considered weaker than him or needed help.

Weapon of choice: Probably throwing knives although he would also be very good with an axe

Strengths: 1) Unlike most Darren views the glass as half full and always sees the cloud's silver lining

2) Having worked for most of his life he's very strong and used to carrying heavy loads for long distances

3) Living on barely 2 meals a day has let Darren be able to survive with less food than normal

4) He also knows how to start a fire and keep it going

Weaknesses: 1) He's very introverted and really only enjoys talking to immediate family

2) Most of his time is devoted to work and not school so he isn't extremely smart

3) Darren has never actually been in a fight or tried to hurt anyone on purpose

4) Most people are immediately annoyed with his extreme optimism

5) About his only survival skill is knowing how to start a fire

Family and friends: He's the second youngest of 5 kids lives with his mother, grandmother, and 3 siblings. Two of his siblings moved out a few years ago leaving an already poor family with less income. His closest friend is his older brother Michael.

Person of most importance: Darren's older sister Carolina has always been a role model for him. She met a man named Elijah and moved to the capital with him a few years ago. They talk on the phone once and a while but he misses her dearly.

Token: a small light red rope bracelet his oldest sister made him before she moved out

Occisora:" I have to say you do not impress me. there isn't really anything that stands out to me. I would like to see if  you can stay optimistic while you are in my arena. But other than that... weĺl see."

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