D9 Female - Octavia Kingston - Task 4 [_Blackcat_13]

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  I awoke to a pain in my chest, and something cold around my wrist. I looked around trying to figure out where I was, the last thing I remembered was having the chance to kill Occisora. I notice a door on the far end of the room, and also a balcony above it.
  I notice I am not the only one is this room, as others start to awake. I see Jasper a few tables down, and our eyes meet, but I don't see Eileen. She must have died after they separated us.
  "Hello my dears." Occisora says, as she walks onto the balcony. I stare up at her, no one killed her, but then again she probably made some kind mutts to look like her. "I'm sure quite a few of you are shocked to see me standing here. Some of you may have noticed that you're chest is hurting, but we'll get to that in a minute."
She smiles, it's a cold smile full of malice. "Each of you are handcuffed to another. The goal is to make it through the door into the forest. You must survive there until noon tomorrow, and get to the flag to begin the next part of these games."
  I look at the girl I'm cuffed to, she's small and looks very sickly. "Now it might be hard to fight and find food or water cuffed to another. You want your freedom the key is buried in your chest near your heart. Well actually your key is in your partner's chest."
  I wish I could have actually killed her, but that wouldn't end the games. Her eyes gleam with pleasure "Oh and you have one hour to get through the door or.." She stops taking in our reactions, "Well you'll see."
  She walks away, and the room fills with tension. I look at my partner again, "We do as I say. You try anything you'll be dead before you can even blink."
  "I got it." She almost whispers. I pull her to her feet.
  "Let's go before everyone decides what to do themselves." She doesn't reply, only follows me. We weave our way through the tables, no one paying any attention to us as chaos erupts.
  We're almost to the door, when I'm tackled to the ground. I flip around, easily knocking the person off me, to find my partner with a knife. "What in the world!" I scream.
  She comes at me, but I grab her easily, and throw her to the ground. She hits her head on the floor and it starts gushing blood. I put all my weight on her frail body, can I kill this girl? She was going to kill me, but I'm not that heartless, at least I don't want to be that heartless.
  "You have to comeback to me." I hear Bellamy's voice. I see his smile, his kind eyes, and know what I have to do. I plunge my knife into the girl's heart, watching as the life leaves her eyes. When she takes her last breath I cut open her chest, and find my key.
  I quickly unlock my cuff and stare at the body beneath me, figting back tears. A strong hand grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet, it's Jasper. He is also cuff free, and I see a cold look in his eyes. He drags me through the door, and I pull myself together quickly. I'd sworn no more tears the day I entered the arena. I could cry after I won, after I was home with Bellamy.

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