D2 Female - DROPPED OUT - Erin Jones [theoriginalsfanfic]

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Name: Erin Jones

Age: 15

Gender is girl

District 2

Volunteered to save her little sister even though she is not a technical career.

Appearance: Long ''voluminous brown hair, ''bright green eyes that are almost cat like, very pale skin with many freckles, weighs about 100 pounds, is about 5'4, really Irish.

Personality: She is very sweet but can be extremely brutally towards younger children as they remind her of her little sister for whom she volunteered which is the whole reason she is here.

Erin does not work to well in teams but she is capable of doing so. Everyone that is 12 or 13 reminds Erin or her little sister.

She is not very trusting because she feels like everyone is out to get her and kill her.

Erin's weapon of choice is ninja stars. She likes them because they look interesting to her and her father won his Hunger Games with them so why not.

Strengths: She is very fast and has the ability to kill from a long distance because of her weapon. She is a very good swimmer and a great climber.

Weaknesses: She can become in love with older boys very quickly and make relationships move very fast which is not good. She also breaks down very easily because she sometimes misses home but fortunately this does not happen regularly.

Her family is her mom Rose Jones and her father Glenn Jones as well as her little sister Ayla Jones and her little brother Linus Jones.

Her most importent person is her little sister because they have so much in commen.

Token: a necklace that says Erin on it

Occisora: "I am not impressed but then I have noticed I am not impressed very easily. On my count you have three stengths, which is fine, them being good climber, fast and a good swimmer, I do not count your weapon to be a strength because I can always choose not to give it to you, but I only count a maximum of three weaknesses. I do count falling in love to be a weakness but if you cannot put a top on your emotions I will ensure you will not make it very far. Put a cap on your emotions and move on!"

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