D7 Male - Miles Wilson [TeamQuirky] Task 1

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“Miles?” Sally squeaked, uncertainly. Miles rolled over and groaned. “Miles you have to get up,” She whispered, pulling the blankets from him.

“Miles! You're bleeding!” She exclaimed. Miles opened his eye to see the sheets were no longer white.

“When did this happen?” Sally asked, examining his bleeding arm.

“At work, yesterday.”Miles mumbled.

“Well, we have to get you patched up quickly for the reaping, you over-slept.” Sally said, walking to the bathroom for the first aid-kit. That was the one good thing about reaping day. They all got to sleep in. He rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, where Sally was waiting for him.

“There are splinters in it. It will get infected if you are not careful. You really need to take better care of yourself,” she said as she sat him on the side of the tub. With quick and careful fingers she go to work disinfecting and bandaging his arm.

“Why am I only finding out about this now?” Sally whispered.

“I didn't want to worry you, it's just a scratch,” Miles muttered. She hit him on the head with the first-aid kit box.

“It is not just a scratch, Mile.”

“It will be fine, Sal. You really don't need to worry about me.”

“All done,” Sally muttered, patting his hand, “let's go get some breakfast.”

“I'll be down in a sec.” He dressed in his best shirt and trousers and went down stairs.

“Morning, Miles,” His mother said placing a plate on the table. He thanked her and rolled up his sleeves.

“Eat quickly, you're late,” His mother said, tying her hair up. He started shovelling the food into his mouth.

“Your hair is a mess, Miles,” His mother said tying a ribbon in Sally's hair, “and go and wash your face.”

Miles dropped his plate in th sink and washed his face combing wet hands through his hair.

“Miles!” His mother snapped from the door way. He sighed and washed his plate before hurrying out the door after his family.

“Tuck your shirt in, son.” His father muttered as he hurried to catch up. Sally took hold of his hand and skipped along.

“Miles!” Howey yelled from across the street. He and Rodney made their way across the crowed street.

“How are you doing, guys.” Miles said, high-fiving them both.

“I'm fine, a little nervous but, ya know.” Howey said, rubbing the back of his neck.

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