D8 Female - Eileen Fletcher [-LovelyButterfly- ]

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Name: Eileen Fletcher

Age: 15

Gender: Female

District: 8

Reaped or Volunteered: Reaped. At first, she didn’t even recognize her own name. She stood there, looking around for Damon, because her mind was screaming to see his face. She didn’t move though, and two PeaceKeepers had to bring her to the stage, of course; she let them, since she didn’t know what to do anyway. At first, she felt scared, and worried. The first feeling she got in years, and her bottom lip started to shake, when a thought suddenly shot through her mind;

Maybe it’s time... We’ll maybe see each other sooner than I thought.

And she accepted it, that probably she was going to die.

Appearance: Eileen is a pretty slim girl that measure 5’5’’. She has straight platinum blonde hair that goes just a little bit pass her shoulders. Her eyes are a light but piercing blue/gray colour making her look even younger and innocent. But she has this blank expression, as if she had no soul. She has also very dark red natural lips, which accentuate her eyes.

Personality: Because she never talked or had friends, a lot of people were making fun of her, leaving her alone. But it wasn’t affecting her, she was emotionless. Her parents tried desperately to talk to her, or even just make her smile or laugh but it was like she was not there. It has not always been the case. She was an extremely bubbly girl, with lots of friends and a beautiful fate, before. But all that ended when her sister died in the Games, leaving her with a trauma.

Does Your Character Works Well in Groups/Teams: She doesn’t even know. She has been isolating herself from the world for so long that she doesn’t remember the feeling of having another person with her. Of course, Damon is an exception. But maybe she could work out with another person. Maybe. Though if she’s alone, she don’t know if she’ll be able to survive all this.

Is Your Character Trusting: Yes, maybe even too trusting. Well it’s not her fault; she just can’t really react to something so she will just go with it. It’s not like her life is really something that matters for her.

Weapon Of Choice: A dagger or a bow and arrow

Strengths: Eileen is an extremely great artist. She paints all kind of things, sad or happy, but mostly dark things. It’s the only way her parents can communicate with her. So she could camouflage really well. She was also good at identifying plants, poisonous or not with her mother. She was a fast learner when she was younger, so maybe she’ll learn how to use a weapon quickly. {3}

Weaknesses: Could be manipulated really easily. Her trauma could easily lead her to die. Let’s say that she’s not really the best swimmer... In fact, she never got to swim in a lake or whatever. And lastly; She is not really good at hand-to-hand combat. {4}

Family: She has her mother; Catherine who is a very caring woman. She’s a bit of a ‘’rebel’’ because she trained a bit in secret, in case she was chosen for The Hunger Games. She is running an apothecary, saving people and helping a lot of people in District 8. Though, since one of her daughter died, she is a bit less helping and more reserved to her and the rest of the family. There is Eileen’s father too; Jack. He is working at the factories, making Peace Keeper’s outfits to gain money. She also had a sister who was named Amity. But she died in the Hunger Games 3 years ago, leaving her as an only child.

Most Important Person: Before she died; her sister. But now that she’s not with her anymore, she likes to think that Damon is the one who will, someday, reanimate her. Because he’s the only one that actually gives her hope.

Token: Before she left, her mother gave her a necklace made of silver, with a picture of her sister and her in a little heart shaped locket attached to it.

Occisora: "Not feeling can sometimes be a great help to get through the Games trauma before the Games have even started, not so much. You are a promising Tribute and I look forward to seeing you in action. You might want to find out if you work well in teams as you will need it and work on your hand-to-hand-combat. Other than that may the odds be ever in your favour."

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