D9 Male - Dave Dimmink [Filler Tribute]

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Name: Dave Evert Ant Dimmink (spells DEAD)

Age [12-18]: 12

Gender: Male

District: 9

Reaped or volunteered [add description of the event reactions/reasons]: Doesn't Matter (DM)

Appearance [if you really want to you can put a celeb look-a-like here but I prefer a desciption.]: He is a small kid with flaming red hair and pale white skin. he is very skinny but freakishly tall. He often trips over his limbs.

Personality [be creative! tell us a story]: He is always scared by everything. When he is scared he will freeze and stand stock still. He will try to run and hide but his hair often gives him away and if it doesn one of his limbs will be sticking out so that people can see it or even trip over it.

Does your character work well in groups/teams? [do not just answer yes or no tell us about it] DM

Is your chacter trusting? [does (s)he trust people quikly?] DM

Weapon of choice: None

Strengths [3-5]: DM

Weaknesses [4-6]: DM

Family and friends [describe them and tell us why and how you became friends]: DM

person of most importance [and why]: DM

Token: DM

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