Head Gamesmaker - Occisora Crudelis

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Name: Occisora Crudelis

Age: 29

Gender: Female

From the Capitol.

Appearance: Long, straight strawberry-blond hair that comes to the small of her back. Piercing green eyes that seem to look through you. Very tall and slender but strong. She is very wealthy and shows it witth all her clothes and accessories. She is very beautiful and she knows it and will use it. She has pale skin with freckles on her nose. Her voice is soft like velvet and she never raises it.

Personality: She can seem sweet if she wants to but doesn't very often. most people are fearful of her. She is quite cruel but does not like to get her hands dirty. She is a succesful buisness woman who knows how to get what she wants. She is cold and hard and does not care for other people very much. she is used to being the boss and doesn't like having to share her power.

Kind of Tributes she likes: She likes Tributes who are cunning and decietful. When a Tribute shows they are ruthless she is drawn to them. She doesn't like nice Tributes who try to be friends with every one.

History: Occisora Has been on the Gamesmaker team for three years she has hated every second of having to answer to other people. now for the first time it is her turn to take the head Gamesmakers seat. She is determined not to be thrown off this seat for a while. She knows she has the stuff to do now she can prove it.

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