D1 Female - Axis Rose [awritersdisguise]

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Name: Axis Rose

Age: 14

Gender: female

District 1

Reaped or volunteered: (story this time) Most tributes from career districts are at least 16. But since I was little I've always known that I was volunteering before I was 16.

So, as our district escort said some girl's name into the microphone and then asked for volunteers, my hand was the first up. The peacekeepers led me to the microphone where I proudly said my name, "Axis Rose".

Appearance: Caucasian with a slight Hispanic background, ginger hair, brown hair, about 5'5", and considered pretty

Personality: The arrow hit the target with a happy thwack. Laying the bow and arrows back on the stand I made my way out of the gym. Satisfied with my training progress for the day I decided to head back home. I had a decent home with a decent family. We had an average income and food on the table. The only thing missing was the fame and glory I'd been craving ever since I learned about the Games. In a way the Games became my reason to keep breathing.

Does your character work well in groups or teams?: Axis is honestly willing to do or say anything if it means she gets her spot in the Victor's Village. If it means she has to create a trusting bond with a team of people and ten slit there throats in the middle of the night, she'll do it.

Is your character trusting: She's learned not to trust easily. But tries makes herself seem trustworthy.

Weapon of choice: Definitely a bow because it makes her feel safer than attacking head on. Although she is skilled with a rapier.


1) Axis has the mentality of an 18 year old career

2) Spending your whole life training for this has to help right?

3) Public school really does make girls smart

4) Most people underestimate her ruthlessness


1) Although she acts like a career she's only 14

2) Most people overlook her because of her age and appearance

3) Axis is smart but not as smart as say a District 3 or 5 tribute

4) She's ruthless and often acts without realizing consequences

5) She's only really good with a bow and a rapier and mediocre at everything else

6) She doesn't really know any survival skills

Family and friends: Her parents run a large clothing shop in district 1 so money has never been an issue. They also go to the capitol frequently for meetings and deals so they've never been around much. Axis's only real friend is a girl name Emalia who's parents work for the Roses. Emalia and Axis have only been friends for a few years but confide everything in each other. Emalia was the only person to know that Axis was going to volunteer.

Person of most importance: Although her parents play a big part, Emalia is definitely the most important person in Axis's life.

Token: Her mothers necklace. A silver chain with a gold feather charm

Occisora: "What I think about you is hard to say. you are young which causes me some concern. But I like your ruthlessness. Being over looked is not necierily a weakness, sometimes it can be a strength. I am disapointed you prefer a bow and arrow and you do not like getting up close and personal when you kill but then again you are only a child. I will keep my eye on you but am not overly impressed."

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