D3 Male - Jay Calder - Task 3 [Immortal-Lies]

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Once we wander through the glass door and we are met by a large wall of peace keepers who look to be young and fresh out of training, they must be terrified of us. The peacekeepers grab us and hold a tight hold on our arms so we don't attack them.

I know Ki is going to say something but I just don't know what, she's going to say something very stupid. I can tell Eve and her might not get along much but they sort of trust each other because they have to. Here we go.

"Peacekeepers? In the bloody hunger-games!? What is this world coming to?!" She yells. Maybe this is what the worlds coming to. The hunger games have become too unpredictable, they all seem to be turning harder and harder since more people of other districts other than One and Two are winning.

"Um at-least we didn't kill each other!" Eve yells back at her, I look towards Jet who seems very amused about how they are yelling at each other, I suppose she's right. We didn't kill each other. Maybe we actually do have some trust in each other.

"Come on Eve! This is against the rules of the hunger-games! Seriously! This is rigged!" Ki yells at Eve and the peacekeepers. Rigged or not we were chosen for this I think to myself.

"Oh shut up Ki! We don't want to hear your mouth talking all the time!" Eve looks frustrated and still Jet looks amused. He has this smirk on his face. Like he wants us to fight each other so he can win the hunger games, maybe he will. Maybe he won't.

"Excuse me little miss-" Ki starts, frowning as soon as someone says something over her words.

"Please just stop" A peacekeeper mumbles to himself, by the looks of it she definitely heard him.

"Do you mind?! We are trying to have a conversation here. If you don't butt out theres a chance i will kill you." Ki says menacingly, she spits at the peacekeepers shoes and he steps away not wanting to be harmed.

"Ki. I think we should just be silent now. We have no idea what is going to happen. Plus we are totally ruining our relationship we have as a team" I say unsure what to expect when she replies.

'Relationship. Yeah right" Jet mumbles, I shoot him a frown and all I receive is a smirk. I feel he has ulterior motive for being in a group with us. Maybe he thinks we are easy to get rid of if he does need to get rid of us

"Right Jay. You're right. We need to be responsible and not childish." She says looking around the room. Well Id call it a corridor with many doors, I wonder where they lead to. I knew these hunger games were going to be different but I didn't know how before, now I do.

"Ok take them in." One peacekeeper says to the group around us, they take us through the doors but different doors for each person. They will probably give us a new alliance or something which would be really odd. I honestly have no idea where they are taking us, somewhere through those doors.

Once through the doors the peacekeepers disassemble and one gives me a simple hunting knife, I look at the peacekeeper curiously but he just walks out of the place Im in.

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