D8 Male - Jasper Flint - Task 2 [_blackcat_13]

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Jasper awoke to a knock at his door. "Come in." He calls, as him and Clarke sit up.  His stylist walks in, saying nothing about Clarke being in his bed.
  "Ms. Clarke someone is waiting to help you dress in your room." She tells Clarke, who only nods. 
  Jasper takes a shower, lets his stylist help him get dressed and joins the others at the table. Once they finish eating they are escorted to the tube that would take Jasper into the arena.
  "Take care of your parents." He tells Finn. "They depend on you."
  "I'll see you soon." He whispers in Clarke's ear, as he hugs her. "No tears." He gives her a kiss, before stepping into the tube. He waves one last time before they disappear from his sight.
  Upon arriving in the arena his attention is drawn to the fact that there is no cornocopia. Where were the piles of weapons and supplies? There was a door on the other side, was it all in there?
  Jasper locked eyes with Eileen, his district partner. Last night after the feast, they had sought each other out, deciding to make an alliance. The clock reached zero and Jasper watched as the career pack made thier way through the door. Eileen and him made thier way to each other, when he noticed the girl with black hair who had stared at Occisario with a fierce hatred at the feast.
  "I want that girl as part of our alliance." He says pointing to her.  Eileen looks at the girl, studying her, before nodding in agreement.
  "You look like you need an alliance." He says, putting his hand on her shoulder, once he reached her.
  "Looks like you have one." She motioned to Eileen.
  "Three is better than one." Eileen explains, "I'm Eileen from district 8. This is Jasper my district partner."
  "Octavia district 9." Octavia tells her. Jasper notices the raven around her neck, figured it was her token. "Who is going through?"
  "I will." Jasper says.
  "No. I don't trust you enough." Octavia quickly says.
  "Same." Eileen agrees. They stand there arguing for a bit before Jasper finally concedes. Once they reach the button, jasper quickly presses it. Eileen and Octavia go through and he lets go. He waits for a good ten minutes before the door finally reopens.
  "Took you long enough." He snaps at the two girls.
  "Problems with other tributes." Octavia says, glancing quickly at Eileen. Jasper could tell she was lying, but said nothing as they continued through the arena.

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