Finalist Seaver Parish [AnonymousRice4]

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I breathe in deeply the moist, cold air around me and hold my breath for a few seconds. I remember Dad telling me when I was little that this was the cure for hiccups. I asked him curiously if I could die if I held my breath too long. He said no, and that my instincts would kick in and my body would force itself to breathe. How disappointed I am now by that news. All I want is to escape this prison, to end my suffering sooner rather than later. But the idea that Occisora will have won if I just offed myself is greater than the idea that my suffering could come to an end. More than ending my misery I want Occisora to lose. To do that, to make her lose, I have to survive; I have to win.

"Hey Seave," My brother's voice echoes. It's still strange to hear his voice, after so long, now that it's deep and masculine. We tried opening the door, but evidently whatever we found in this room wasn't all the Head Gamemaker wanted us to find. We're not done here, therefore she cannot let us go.

"What?" I reply, rocking to gain momentum and rise to my feet. I brush microscopic pebbles off my palms and face the direction Caine faces. He studies a television screen that's come out from inside the wall to the right of the door. I look at it too, and wonder what we'll be watching on it. Somehow it doesn't seem like anything good will be playing, just more death and torture. That's something Occisora would do, too, play films about death for us. As if we haven't gone through it enough as it is.

"Look," Caine points to the screen like I haven't already seen it. I keep silent and watch, waiting, bracing myself for the horrors. We see Peacekeepers, a stage, Occisora in the middle of the stage, Morus Fortibus slightly behind her on stage, and a building that seems to have no purpose but to create a background for them. I am curious as to what she'll say. We don't have to wait long and she's speaking, that same irritatingly smooth tone playing out in our ears. I almost want to plug mine, but I'm afraid what she'll say is too important to miss.

"Welcome back to the Capitol, dear friends and family." The cameras sweep a small crowd of terrified people. I recognize Rarity's golden-orange hair, which Djaq calls "strawberry blonde," among the crowd. I wonder what she's doing there.

"I am sorry for rushing you here so suddenly." Occisora continues, eyeing each of them though giving none any real stares. "But it is a very special occasion; only three tributes remain alive in the arena, and believe me I know that all of you want your loved one to return unscathed. I'd like to inform you all, that for the first time in the history of the Hunger Games, you have the chance to help." What is she talking about? Her kind of help I know by now comes at a high price, one I don't want Rare or Djaq to have to pay. I shake my head slowly, glancing at Caine who seems mesmerized by her every word. I remind myself he hasn't known her treachery like I have, that he hasn't been here with me all this time, that he's new to this and I'm the one who has to educate him on Occisora Crudelis and her powerful malice.

"As you know only one Tribute can be crowned Victor." That's not true, I tell myself, more than one can be chosen - it's all in their hands. If they really wanted to, they could let the three of us go. And the thought isn't all that bad; Tobias is a decent guy, he doesn't belong here with his thirst for knowledge and that little dog. Amabel is nice enough, she's no stranger to the way of the Hunger Games but underneath her protective Career-coated armor she's just another girl who deserves a shot at life. Actually, I see us all becoming friends after this. We visit each other's houses, go on the Victory Tour together, we meet each other's friends and reminisce about those we lost to the Games. It sounds pleasant, as pleasant as surviving such a traumatic experience can be.

"In order to secure your loved one's return, the others must die. But first, a message to the whole of Panem." A man comes out from the seemingly useless building dragging behind him a woman with long, graying hair. He pulls her by it, and she screams. I hear a choking sound slip from Caine's lips and knit my eyebrows together.

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